Iś Government Promoting Crime?

There is no arguing the point that crime is running rampant in the streets of California. And each day seems worse than the day before, but is Governments failure to take the necessary action actually promoting the criminal conduct?

Today’s “Washington Examiner” discusses California’s laws relative to shoplifting and raises question of how the recent laws have done nothing to prevent shoplifting and may have actually encouraged it’s becoming a common place event. Blatant shoplifting accompanied with violence towards anyone trying to intervene has become such an issue that people no longer enjoy shopping as they used to.

But shoplifting is not the only concern for California. In San Leandro, the Marina has been closed and awaits new construction work. Of course, prior to commencing new construction, demolition of the existing facility is required. Most governmental agency would ask for bids and hire a Contractor to do this demolition. San Leandro Public Works appears to have done otherwise, instead allowing the local thugs and thieves free reign to pillage and plunder without restraint every vessel, building, and marina fixture within the Marina.

Of course, allowing the local thugs and thieves to do the work likely is saving the City of San Leandro a bunch of money but at what cost? Vessels that once sat proud in the marina providing the ambiance desired by local business and community. have been pillaged leaving most destroyed hulls of what once was. A few have been stolen by folks believing they will be allowed to keep them as their homes for the future. More than likely the City will stop their departure and confiscate their boats or report the boats stolen for retrieval by Law Enforcement. Most marinas will require a survey for these vessels which will cost close to $1,000.00 for each, in addition to current registration, insurance, and the cost of berth rental prior to allowing berthing in their facility. Many of these people are homeless, hoping this will provide the roof they so desperately need over their heads.

The docks have been stripped of all the wire, fixtures, and plumbing providing San Leandro’s criminal element income paid by local recyclers easily amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars which would have been better been used to pay lawful employment for the task.

In addition to the theft by and between the Thugs and Thieves the constant threat of violence whether real or perceived, concerns the neighborhood and local authorities. None of these people believe what they are doing is anything less than criminal and most work without fear of police or other authority intervention and City Staff do not seem to care what is done. Early on in the destruction the Harbormasters Office was ransacked and a lot of business records were made available to anyone that chose to grab them. It is not known at this time if anyone’s financial data has been compromised or not, but it is something all renters from the 70’s forward should be concerned with and all should have been notified of such exposure by the City but haven’t been.

One of the biggest concerns the City should have had during this time is the lack of knowledge the Thugs and Thieves have relative to the destruction they perform. None of them are qualified for the task. None are supervised by anyone that takes responsibility for their exposure to dangerous situations. None are protected by a Workman’s Comp Insurance policy. and almost everyone of them has sustained at least minor injury. One worker was electrocuted so severely that she may lose both her hands and it is believed at least one person died during the fire that burned the old “Blue Dolphin” club that burnt down the first time in the 1990’s I believe.

One thing is for certain. As the spoils available become less and less, aggression becomes stronger with the possibility of violence that most will not realize the danger they are in until it is too late. I do not believe the City of San Leandro has any concern of this at all.

Lets Talk Reparations . . .

Our society seems to want to isolate Black peop[e one way or another. So every bad thing that happens to a Black person, happens only to Black people. Rubbish! All of the things that are reason for reparations did not only happen to Black people. Throughout history the upper-crust of White society have believed themselves the elite, superior in every way. Not just superior to Black people, but to all people including their own race. The superior White people look down upon everyone not party to their “click” or status. The American Indian, the Irish, the Chinese, Hispanics, lower class Whites, and every other race that has come to shore in the United States has at one time, or many times become victim of the Elite Whites. And contrary to the belief of many, Black people were not and are not the only race subject to such abuse.

Presently there is a movement to provide reparations to Black people for abuses realized long past that were not race specific. Black people believe only Black people suffered these abuses, but are they right? Do you really believe that certain classes of other races were not treated the same. Black people have been living this lie for the last 60 years or more. But what is even more ridiculous is White America fears the Black man so much that rather than seek the truth, White America continues to allow the lie to continue at the expense of the working class Whites.

Reparations will cost billions of dollars and elevate all Black people both financially and in status, paid for by the working class Whites who in the end will be the poor and bottom of society. You have to realize, the people making the decisions to do things in this country are not the people subject to such decision. Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employment did not effect the Owners or Bosses of the companies made responsible for such action but the entry level through mid-management suffered the losses of income and lost promotions.

Every action taken by government to correct the abuse of racism, makes White people pay for the wrong-doings of others for acts committed well before we were responsible for such act. I have never owned another human being, never subjected anyone to abuse because of the color of their skin, so why am I being charged with an offense I did not commit and penalized because of the color of my skin? As far as reparations go, not until somebody that claims to be woke can tell me how many of each race suffered the racism claimed and can prove Black people are the only race suffering such racism.

But then, if other races including Whites were found to have been subjected to the same treatment as Blacks, it wouldn’t be racism would it?

REPARATIONS for being born Black!

Don’t misunderstand. I am all for giving the Black man his due, but again we are forcing white America to pay for a crime committed before most of them were born and to accept a penalization in the form of payment to Black America most of which were also not yet born. And, I don’t know about you but why were Blacks the only race treated in such a manner as to qualify for reparations?

I grew up and survived about 40 years of equal-opportunity employment which was supposed to balance the workforce and create fairness in the workplace for the races. What it did was hired many minority workers that were unqualified to jobs ahead of qualified White workers. This created racism more than created equality and still today has a lingering of injustice amongst a lot of Whites.

What Black America believes is White People owe them for their being born Black. What White America believes is that White people are going to have to pay for crimes they did not commit. And for the record . . . I have never owned a slave of any color. Nor have I been responsible for any mistreatment of others regardless of skin color. Now Reparations is going to make all of the Black people wealthy just because they were born Black.

I know there are additional reasons for reparations but it seems to me that the qualification for reparations is skin color. And, this seems to reek of racism to me. Those working on the reparations panels or groups seem as qualified as those claiming to be “woke” which fails immediately when you realize that “woke” means that you are “woke” only to the plight of the Black man which means you are not concerned with truth but want to present a one-sided conversation. If you want to claim being “Woke”, or if you are on one a panel or group in which your opinion matters, maybe you should research the rest of the data available to you out there to answer the necessary questions necessary to resolve the confusion.

If you are Pro-Reparations perhaps you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • Has any other race been subject of abuse as claimed by Black people?
  • Have not all races been subject to harm due to racism?
  • Do you believe that reparations will create a whole new racism for America?
  • Has any other race suffered the same situations as Blacks, during the same time period?
  • Other than creating a whole bunch of wealthy Black people and a whole bunch of angry white people, do you see any true benefit by reparations?

Don’t misunderstand. I am taking this stance because I want to know if at the same time, I was being denied housing so was a Black person. And I want to know why for us both. Is it possible that not everything is racist and not only Blacks have been subject to the abuses claimed to be racist in nature.

Why Is It Okay One Way but Not the Other?

I know you are wondering what I am talking about, so let’s take a look at the image above. This is a screenshot of headlines from one of the many news rags that is sourced by the larger news sites to fill their pages. What caught my attention was not the event of the headline but the racial implementation within.

Of the headlines listed above, is any identifying race? How many and what race? I see one in which a White man attacks a Black woman, and another in which a White teenager shoots up a party.

So, I check out the other headlines to see what’s up and discover that the two headlines that do not specify race are not White relative. One is where one Black man shot another Black man for checking out a woman neither had a relationship with. The other headline involves a young Black man that got pissed because the bus driver missed his stop and decided to beat him for it, endangering everyone on the bus, the community, and other traffic.

Why is it appropriate that headlines noted Whiter people, but not Black people? The first notes a White man tackling a Black woman. Shouldn’t the headline say “man tackles woman . . .”? The rest are simply an offense to Journalism. Who is making the rules in news editing today? Who decided that identifying White people involved in criminal conduct was okay, but not important to note other races?

Why is it okay one way but not the other? Why is it okay for Whites to be called “Cracker or Honky” but not okay to use the N-word referencing Blacks? ( I am not suggesting either acceptable, just asking the question.)

Resolving racism requires equality and respect. This should require being color blind to all races or to none. But, I don’t make the rules . . .

Sometimes the Police ARE the Enemy

I’m reading todays news rag and spot this title to a story: St. Louis suburb settles ‘debtors’ prison’ lawsuit and of course I have to take a look.

Now you would think St. Louis would do everything possible to gain public acceptance of their law enforcement agencies. But it seems that they chose instead to make Law Enforcement and the Courts look like major criminals. This does not just reflect on St Louis, the impact of this will impact all of Law Enforcement for years to come. The fact that they would even consider doing such as they have when there is such a negative opinion about Law Enforcement nation-wide is ridiculous.

The fact that they would do as they have done is indicative of criminal conduct and every admin, supervisory, and/or other senior position in their cities should be tried as criminals for their actions. No police officer is required to violate the law based on stupid directive from their Administration. And, every officer should of seen what they were doing was unlawful and taken steps to stop it,

The Departments involved in this situation are an embarrassment to Law Enforcement nation-wide. I cannot believe that serious charges are not being made against the departments administration asking for their heads.

Read the story yourself. It is guaranteed to piss you off.

The Controversy, “What is WOKE?”

So far, as I have seen or heard, there is no person in America that can claim being “Woke”,

Do you think WOKE is being able to cite a few Black references that demonstrate abuse towards Black people 100 years ago? Not ! In order to be “WOKE” you have to know all the facts of all races during the time cited. You cannot claim to be WOKE if you cannot tell all the facts relative to a discussion, not just the parts of the story you want to sensationalize. Being WOKE today is nothing but the retelling of another’s story. lacking truth because the story is only being told in part, usually resulting in a one-sided believable lie.

The thing most important when claiming to be “Woke is an understanding of what “woke” is? Woke is not blindly following the favored opinion. Woke is not taking somebody else’s word as valid. Woke IS doing the research necessary to ascertain the truth even if it not the favored opinion. Woke is being truthful to or of the topic regardless of the end result. And in today’s world WOKE is not just telling what Black people were suffering, but what suffering was of the other races.

To come up with an issue saying so many Black people were denied education without doing the research how many of the other races were facing similar issue means you are telling just enough of the story to play the race card. This is not WOKE, This is creating what may be a lie in furtherance of racism.

The use of the Washington Post database claiming the Black population in the United States as 13% is an example of this. Yes, the Black population is approximately 13% spread out with the numbers nation-wide. But, there are places in America that have no Black population at all so although the nation-wide Black population is approximately 13 percent, in many of our major cities the Black population ranges between 26 to 60 percent. America has been living the 13 percent lie since the database was created, when a layer deeper into the same database proves it a lie. WOKE is caring enough for the truth to do the research necessary to0 find the truth.

Based on the changes in numbers disclosed by correction of the 13 percent calculations a whole different picture exists. Why has nobody claiming to be WOKE said anything about the database calculations to anyone? Why hasn’t any politicians standing on their soap boxes discussed this information? This information is not difficult to discover, it just takes caring enough to seek the truth.

The reason why this information has not been disclosed is likely fear. Black people have been lied to for so many years that disclosure of this information will likely create riots throughout America in disbelief. Changes in these calculations does not say that Black people have not been subjected to suffering. But it does show Black people were not the only people to suffer the same issues. Black people have suffered greatly over the years because of the 13 percent lie. Don’t Black people deserve the truth? Are there any WOKE people that will stand up and tell Black people the truth?

If you cannot care enough to seek the truth and tell the truth, you are not WOKE, you are just another liar in furtherance of racism. Racism exists in America today because people acting in furtherance of racism for financial gain are allowed to continue profiting from it. There are a whole lot of people profiting from continued racism. In addition to race specific organizations that profit from racism, there are politicians that acquire office based on racial issues, Church acquires followers during times of racial conflict. Media goes nuts with racial incidents. And then, there is every anybody that can climb up on their soap box to preach their version of the lies while holding their hand out for donations.

Listen folks, racism is not really that hard to beat. Just become a little color-blind and treat everyone with equality and respect. If you want to do something for your Country, friends, and family . . . TELL THE TRUTH!

Needs Regulation!

I am generally. “no regulation” on most anything, until now.. I recently had a need for a quick loan to cover some unanticipated expenses. So, off to the Internet to see what we can see. What an absolute bunch of rip-off artists and bullshit. The system that Internet Loans belongs to needs immediate regulation. It’s fucking ridiculous. And when you make any contact and the voice on the other end of the line has a “middle east” accent, hang up your phone.

Doesn’t that sound perfectly racist? IT IS NOT MY INTENT TO BE IN ANY WAY RACIST! But, in a single day better than six responses to my loan request were by Middle Eastern people (Based on their Accent), whose sole intent was to phish my bank account. And, they are some slick dirty bastards in their attempts.

Everywhere you look today there is somebody reaching into your pocket uninvited to do so. It is so bad that you cannot tell the good from the bad, and so many doing it that you do not believe they are the bad ones. I am serious.

There is NO REASON for any business or financial organization to ask you to disclose your Username and Password. We all know this but after you get asked by so many different people you start to wonder if something has changed. Couple that with a little desperation associated with your need and “Boom” they now have control of your bank account.

When you go online and do a search for “loans” about 2 million or more links come up, all offering just what you are looking for. So, you enter the data they request to start the loan request. They do not warn you that they are not a financial institution, that they do not loan anyone money, or that all they are is a form they send out to hundreds of different places, all claiming to be able to offer you a loan. So, you have made the mistake of submitting the form. . .

The form then travels via the Internet to hundreds of different web sites, all offering you a loan at great interest rates and get your money quickly. There is no information about if these organizations are honest, or not. So you se3lect from their recommendations assuming they are legit and you are taken to another form, almost the same as the first form, which will run through a similar process as the previous form while in the background is sending your information unchecked to everywhere they possibly can include those of a criminal nature. And by sending your information to everywhere they possibly can, I mean enough places to create new incoming email to my account to at least 100 per day and probably 50 percent are people trying to take advantage of your needs or steal your money from your accounts.

And again as much as this sounds racial and offensive, if you reach the point of verbal contact with a prospective lender, if they have a “middle eastern” accent, immediately hang up the phone. By the time they reach the point of asking you your bank account username and password, it is already too late. You will have given them more information than you want them to know. And they conduct themselves so business like and professional that you easily believe them legit. Then when you start to feel a little iffy about the situation, they tell you of the great interest rate they are giving you. REMEMBER; If it sounds too good to be true, it is!

Another bit of trickery . . . Almost all of these sites require you obtain your curre4nt credit score. They provide you a web page that provides such information and claim the credit score retrieval to be free but comes with a $1.00 processing fee and a $39.99 monthly charge should you fail to stop your subscription to their services. I don’t know about you folks, but FREE means Free to me

Regulation of this situation might be impossible, but shutting down any web site that acts as a initiator of the process would be a start. Lending Organizations either lend to you, or they don’t. They do not send your data everywhere in seek of other lenders. They do not distribute your information to criminals seeking someone to take advantage of. They may decline giving you a loan but they won’t recommend three or four other lenders that are other initiator type of web sites that put you back into the cycle all over again.

If you contact your Bank or Credit Union and they turn you down for a loan, you probably should not get a loan in the first place. Obviously, they see an issue with your finances that suggests your inability to repay the loan. But should you then turn to the Internet in hopes of getting a loan be prepared for needing more than a loan. One lender that offered me a loan, offered me a loan at 36% interest without a co-signer. They also offered me a loan at 36% interest with a co-signer that has perfect credit.

Oh! Don’t forget the additional email incoming. They do not seem to stop for a very long time. What I forgot to mention was the messaging to your phone and mail to your snail mail addresses. Yes, you will get it all. The only one I found I was able to put some stoppage to is the text messaging to my phone. Simply responding with “STOP” appears to stop future messaging from them. The burden this activity places on the Internet and SmartPhone resources has got to be extreme.

I wish to thank the good folks at USAA for their attention to account activity. What little I have is a lot to me were it to have been stolen. And to have it stolen by an organized Internet scheme is just offensive. Somebody needs to bring about regulation to the criminals running wild without any other intent than to bring harm to others. My question is, why isn’t the Banking and other professional lending institutions doing something about this?

(This article has been edited to include the info about getting credit score.)

If We Can Erase History . . .

Our society presently is doing all it can to erase history, instead of learning from it. Starting with the statue removals of people that were significant to White history but brought disfavor from the Black community. Does anybody remember who these monuments were made for? If you go back in history to when those men were alive, all Black people were referred to as the “N-word.” And, it was acceptable at that time in our history. But, back to my point . . .

People in our history owned slaves and today most of us find owning slaves offensive. So, we tear down monuments to historical slave owners that were not subjected to such disfavor during their lifetime. Nobody sees the now offensive monument, so nobody is provided the story that it told. And although today’s society sees such things differently from what we found acceptable in days gone by, how were they looked at back then. Were some of these people looked upon favorably in their day even by their slaves? We need to quit applying our current opinions to situations in the past. You cannot hold somebody from 50 years ago accountable to today’s beliefs.

Now we are looking at the removal of books that are about Black athletes because the books tell of the racial issues they faced. I’m talking about players like Hank Aaron who was one of first Black Baseball Players in the South. Again, by removal of the books we are erasing history. Why aren’t we keeping the statues and adding information of how these people fell to disfavor. Books good, bad, or absolute lies need to be retained for history and noted where right or wrong, but never taken from education or removed from public access.

Our society has this racism thing wrong. Racism does exist and some people will never change, they will always hate people of different color, different financial status, and/or other stupid reason to hate. People fall into this racism thig too easily. They jump to racism quickly as a reason for any Black/White conflict. Why? White people abuse everybody. Look at history. At the same time White people were abusing Blacks, was anyone else abused? What about the Irish? The Chinese? Or, the American Indian? Or , the real abused. We took one race, put them in camps, stole their property and didn’t give it back. I refer to the Japanese. White man has abused every race throughout history, and still do today. Black people have been lied to for years, fed statistics that were false data, had stories of occurrences sensationalized for impact, but nobody has really looked at the overall abuse of everybody instead of just Blacks.

Check the data. Ask yourself if anybody else other than Blacks have been subjected to similar abuse although not racism? White women were not allowed to vote for years and consider the womans bra burning years. That was over rights, abuse, wages, and complaints that match the same issues consider complaint of racism towards Black people. And still today many of t5he same issues exists but because it doesn’t involve skin color it isn’t called racism.

My point being racism is racism only when directed towards Blacks from Whites. There are no acts involving any other race, sex, religion, or financial status that are of consequence. No, that is wrong. Events occur daily in this country that are violations of our rights that go un-noticed and easily overlooked because Black people are not part of the complaint. Get this America . . . .

BLACK PEOPLE ARE NOT THE ONLY PEOPLE ABUSED IN THIS COUNTRY. Is it possible some other factor, other than race need be considered? Quit looking at skin color for a minute and consider other factors. There is nothing that Black people have been subjected to that other races haven’t been subjected to. So if it is not race specific abuse, why is it considered racism? Quit using skin color as a reason for failure, look deeper to ascertain the real cause and fix it. In the interim, keep destroying the things we should be using to make us remember this country’s history and learn from it. In the future, none of these issues will have ever been an issue, because it has been erased. That just sounds real stupid, like something one of our politicians would say.

It Is About Time Somebody . . .

For a couple years, I’ve been saying things about racism in America today, only to be regarded from a distance as though I was some crackpot that doesn’t know what he is talking about. Yesterday somebody writing for the Washington Examiner wrote a similar cover of this topic. It is good to see someone else doing research to find the truth. Now if we could just get the people that are supposed to know these facts, such as our political leaders, religious leaders, and those that speak the loudest, we could grow a little and identify issues other than skin color that can be resolved.

I’m not going to write on this topic a lot today, because I think it important that you read the article in the Washington Examiner I noted earlier. I will say that our racial problems are the makings of those profiting from racism far more than anything else, Sure we will forever have those that hate differing skin color, of all races. But we as a people really are better than that. Here’s the link to the Washington Examiner article: The ‘systemic’ problem with policing isn’t racism

Opinions | Blocking Black history is an attempt to counter Black Power, A WP Headline . . .

Does it seem as though the Washington Post prints more race-based stories than anyone else? What many people do not understand is those that are talking the most about racism, by doing so are promoting racism. And if you look a little deeper, they are making money doing it. Anyway, on to the article noted above. (Link to the WP article)

What America is having to deal with today is attempts by anyone riding the racism wave in furtherance of continued racism. Much of the new education regarding Black people claims that Black people were subjected to abuses other races were not subjected to. Claims of being “Woke” are mostly lies, again making the claim that Black people were abused more than others. Well, you cannot support education that fails to recognize that other races were also subjected to the same abuse or a variation thereof. You cannot claim to be “Woke” if you are only knowledgeable of a single race. Don’t get me wrong, some Black people have gotten a poor deal throughout history, but if you look deeper so have some other people of different races.

Believe it or not folks, the White race has abused every race there is to abuse, including their own. What makes you believe that White people haven’t treated everybody poorly? You don’t think Whites treat Whites poorly, both in history and present day? Any education that wants to speak the truth needs to attempt to do so right from the start instead of making a “grandstand” play to further racism. Politics makes a practice of stopping data research when it tells the story they want to tell. The Washington Post database that says Black people are approximately 13 percent of the U.S. population has been used as the measurement for almost any racial claim made in the past decade. Nobody bothers to dig a little deeper to discover that yes Black people appear to be 13 percent of the U.S. population, until they aren’t. Many of our major cities the Black population ranges from 20 to 60 percent of that city. Do an “after dark” calculation of people out and about in the downtown areas and the Black percentage for that area can reach 90 percent easily. I am not suggesting that a bunch of abuse suffered by Black people is acceptable. I am saying, if there is nobody there but Black people how does anyone else get subjected to the abuse? Believe it or not, there are some places in America that are 90 percent Hispanic and someplace else that is 95 percent White.

The path to racial equality for the Black man is a long road to travel, and it doesn’t travel well when it doesn’t tell truth any more than the stories in history which all seem to lead to White superiority rather than truth. Everybody of all races should be demanding the truth today. Let’s not praise “Critical Race Theory” making the entire White race responsible for Black abuse without knowing the truth of who has suffered such abuse. Let’s not accept “Woke” from someone that cannot tell you if anyone of any other race was subjected to the same abuse. And let’s not educate our children with information that fails to tell the whole truth. That has already been done.

It is important that all of America pay attention to what they are hearing. People screaming of racial strife are promoting racism with every word they say. They make their money promoting racism. Unless they can tell you how many unemployed Whites, Asian, Hispanic, Indian, and every other race there are, they should not be telling you how many Black people are suffering in that topic. Do a little research, all of us have been lied to, and few of us actually research the information in hope of finding truth.

Do I Come Off Like A Hater?

The intent of this website has always been truth and open discussion in search of the truth. I make some pretty unpopular comments on this site that many people are afraid to even think about for fear of reprisal. But I say these things because my research has proven to myself my opinion to be true and correct. I do not expect anyone to believe I know what I am talking about, but I do expect that if I’m not believed that those in disagreement would at least make an effort to review the data presented by sources they believe to be to be true. All of my data comes from sources recognized as reliable sources for said data.

For instance, The Washington Post Database. This data source says that the Black Population of the U.S. is approximately 13 percent, and it is. But this is where everybody has stopped looking at the data, to use 13 percent as the calculation regarding people shot by police. Now, this is simple math, and most of you know the major cities around you. If Blacks are 13 percent of the entire U.S. population, do you believe that Black people reside in everywhere America? There are communities in this Country that have 0 percent Black population. Where are the 13 percent for the 0 percent community? Well, they have added themselves to a different community, and suddenly someplace has more than 13 percent Black population. Look at major cities across America. What is the Black population percentage of the major cities in the U.S.? Surprise! 23 to 60 percent. And, if you take a look at the streets after dark you will discover that the downtown area of many cities is as much as 90 percent Black. I am not trying to make negative comments towards Blacks because they need to understand that they are being misled just like the rest of us. When you look at the actual population where these incidents happen, in many incidents the population of Blacks and Whites are both close to 33 percent each with the other percentage mixed.

Now, you don’t have to do but a couple minutes of research to ascertain I’m telling you the truth. Take a moment and then think about it. What does the Washington Post Database do? Sells newspapers, and promotes civil unrest which is another newspaper seller. All across this Country there are a lot of people making money off of racism. Look around you, people of all colors on the streets, on the Internet, and in the news. People everywhere promote racism while saying they are fighting racism. Those people are the problem. I don’t hate anyone, okay maybe an ex-wife, even that’s questionable.

Too truly combat racism, all you have to do is become color-blind and treat everybody as equal. It really is not that hard to do.


I’m gonna die by Stroke or Heart Attack long before Medicare lets me go to the f’in hospital! I am so irritated by this whole Medicare process, it’s an experience you have to actually participate in to understand. Let me tell you the story . . .

For the past 35 – 40 years I have had Kaiser Hospital for my medical coverage. At 65 Kaiser kicks you out requiring you go get Medicare, does not matter if you are retired or not. So, I contact Medicare, they provide me with Medicare part A and B. But when I get the paperwork on it, I don’t have Kaiser. My part B is some weird Insurance company back east. I don’t want this, I want Kaiser. I tell them I do not want the part B they have given me, that I want Kaiser. They tell me I can change it when open enrollment starts again. I tell them I don’t want their bullshit part B and I’m not going to pay for it. So, after a few months of my not paying for it they kill my part B instead of giving me Kaiser. Have I pointed out, I’m not even retired yet.

Of course, you know what happens next . . . I enjoy a motorcycle accident, WITHOUT HEALTH INSURANCE. I end up in the hospital with a broken ankle, broken hip, smashed up face, and stuck in a hospital 35 miles from home. Did I mention I had no health insurance? Well the doctors at the hospital figured it out before I did, and they didn’t want to do a damn thing for me. They had me down in x-ray, took pictures, saw what was wrong and didn’t put a cast on my ankle, required I purchase a $95.00 walker before I could check out, and did nothing for the dislocated shoulder that I didn’t know was dislocated but they did. So, I get myself put into a debt I do not need:

  • Central Valley Imaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $678.49
  • UCSF Medical Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5153.00
  • AMR Global Medical Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$3044.91
    • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$8876.40

Plus I’ve lost my beautiful 1998 Harley Road King to a Tow yard someplace in San Jose that lien sales it a week later. I took about a 10k hit losing the bike but that doesn’t piss me off near as much as Medicare.

You see, in addition to Medicare fucking with me, the medical bills, and the pain enjoyed as part of the accident. I was also found responsible for the accident, so my insurance didn’t pay shit. But, it even gets worse.

I get telephone calls between 10 and 30 per day, starting at 6:00 AM from Senior Life and Medicare Benefits trying to get me to get me to buy my Medicare C and D from them. It DOES NOT MATTER IF YOU GET OFF THEIR LIST ONE DAY, you are back on it the next. And get this, none of the phone numbers called from are working numbers.

As for Medicare, you irresponsible muther-fuckers can kiss my ass. My shoulder is still dislocated since July 7, 2022, I am diabetic having vision problems, and I feel like shit. Did I mention that I have had about 11 strokes? Anyway, fuck off, I would rather die than keep fucking around with you folks.

Oh, I got a letter from Kaiser yesterday telling me they couldn’t be my medical provider because I don’t have a Medicare Part B. I call Social Security who tells me I can have my Part B, but I have to pay the period that they had me on Part B to now even though I declined it and never used it. At about $150.00 per month, sure I’ll just run out and pay that today. And after my monthly comes out of my retirement when I retire, Social Security will give me about $550.00 per month to live on.

And, I am still not retired.

Don’t ya’all get all concerned about me. I’m just ranting caused I’m pissed off and frustrated as hell and like everything else . . . I’ll get over it.

Inappropriate Dress

This is the stupidest topic I have ever come across. Do you people realize that you are allowing individual people to require you, a grown tax-paying, law abiding adult, dress how they want you to dress? You can play fashion police all you want, but unless some part of my attire is a violation of law, you can kiss my ass . . . I will wear what I want. Let me play a little history back at ya’.

Most of my childhood through adult years I enjoyed media showing some hot looking gal, with a byline of “Just because I’m showing my ass, it isn’t an invitation for rape” or something like that. It simply made the male responsible for his inappropriate sexual conduct. Presently, we have every place, organization, business, and transportation outfit playing dress censorship and making the decision of the moral compass of the Country. Talk about getting away with being a hater.

Have you noticed that most the people being made subject of such censorship are attractive? A nurse that gets a complaint that she looks too good in her scrubs, and today a gal that gets it because her tights she wears to the gym look too good. There have been quite a few in the middle that also could be included within this rant, but it isn’t necessary. What scares me most about this bullshit is this isn’t being done in accordance with any law, these people are legally dressed. No, this is being done by some person that believes they have the right to violate the law that says you can wear that. It’s a First Amendment right in case you are wondering.

The Courts have upheld laws of censorship for schools and in the workplace, allowing the School Board and Employers to set a dress code for students and employees so that folks are not distracted by others when they should be hard at work or learning. But, when did it became law that it was legal to censor the public at large?

“What do female tourists wear in Saudi Arabia?

New public decency standards were introduced in 2019, allowing visitors to wear some western-style attire. Female travelers are no longer required to wear an abaya or a headscarf. In public places, wearing short skirts, tight trousers, and revealing tops will attract negative gazes and disapprovals. Instead, female tourists should choose a loose outfit or dress covering the shoulders, chest, and legs. Another critical consideration while dressing for Saudi Arabia is to wear only opaque fabrics. People should not be able to see the underpants through clothes.

One should stay away from bright hues like red, yellow, and green, which can draw unwelcome attention. Instead, one can choose light and muted shades. Female tourists can wear jeans, but they should make sure the top half of the outfit is long enough to cover their backside. They can wear a bikini if they stay in a villa with their private pool but cover up when not in the water.”

Is this where we are going here in America? Little by little, each day, we find a way to eliminate our Rights. Sooner or later it will become law that you don’t have any rights, but it won’t affect you. No, it will affect your children’s children that will grow up in a society that no longer has a right to choose how they want to dress, what occupation they wish to pursue, or what God they should pray to. Is that the legacy you want to leave behind?

And what really pisses me off is the people making complaint likely do not even know what this Country’s Constitution is? Or, they are the biggest hypocrite alive because every damn one of them dressed provocatively most of their younger lives and many still do, but it is not okay for anyone else to do so.

I don’t care who you are or how old you are, you do not have the right to violate anybody’s personal freedoms. And if you believe you do have such right, I hope somebody sets you straight before you cause additional harm to our Country.

We Have All Been Lied To . . .

For years and more years lies about racial issues have been commonplace everywhere. Blacks and a whole bunch of Whites believe so seriously in all the hype of abuse towards Blacks that even when a claim proven a lie, they still believe in the lie.

  • The contention that Blacks make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population, so they should only get killed by police at that same 13 percent, is stupid. The information that brought about this reality was supported by a database compiled by The Washington Post in which it demonstrated the Black population at approximately 13 percent while police shootings of Blacks was above 20 percent in some cities. What people using this data is although the nation-wide black population is approximately 13 percent, in most major cities the Black population ranges from 20 to 60 percent. Also, in these same city’s Black population after dark (As in who is there to be shot by police) is close to 80 percent. The 13 percent rule is a lie
  • Almost all the issues being considered for reparations are being treated as though it only a Black issue. Do you really believe that Whites only treated Blacks poorly? White people treat everyone poorly, even Whites. Every issue raised by reparations has also affected some White people in much the same way as Blacks.
  • The idea that Whites have not suffered the same issues as Blacks is ridiculous. Employment, Education, and other opportunities have all been White abusive. And still continue to be. Blacks may only be a small percentage of the workforce in one category, while in others they have a much higher percentage. Players in NFL Football teams are 70 to 90 percent Black. Many occupations are at a high percentage of Blacks. When you look at percentages, look at the numbers 13 percent Black equals 1 or 2 percent White to have the same numbers.
  • Educators world-wide seem to think actually researching information before they further influence our youth is not important. There is a fella named Tom Thornhill that teaches a course on White Racism in Florida. I doubt he has truly done any research into the topic and he believes there is no such thing as Black Racism. He like so many of our educators teaches to promote racism. Until such time as they actually do the research to ascertain actual facts and figures they are teaching nothing but racial disharmony and failing our education system.

Why do we have the racial issues we have today? Because somebody is making money from it. Every organization that has a race name in their title is doing all of us another dose of racism. That’s how they put food on their table. But recognize it for what it is. Racism is not that hard to fight. Just mature enough to become color-blind and learn to treat people of all colors as equals. It is really not that hard to do. Those that claim to be “Woke” aren’t. How can you be “woke” if you only know one side of the topic?

How Did Homeless Become Cool?

Homeless is not, nor has it ever been cool. But, the way some of these people act you would think that it not only an acceptable lifestyle but a preferred way of life. Benefits of homelessness include:

  • Sleeping under the stars while you wonder who is going to do what to you while you are not awake.
  • Camping out with a bunch of folks that would just as soon cut your throat as do anything nice to anyone.
  • No fear of rape, robbery, assault, or victim of any crime . . . Once you get used to it, you don’t fear it very much.
  • You don’t have to protect your valuables. Somebody else will have them as soon as they find you on the street.
  • Being filthy, dirty body, dirty clothes, serious hygiene concerns are no longer a concern, as long as you can stand your own stench.
  • You get lots of attention from local government and police.
  • Local business are happy to see you in their establishment. It’s okay to steal from them, ya’ all come back anytime . . .
  • Don’t worry about being unemployed, the people you are camping with will find a job for you. What do you mean you won’t do that . . . Yes you will, repeatedly.
  • You get used to being so hungry that your belly button touches your backbone.
  • On the rare occasion that someone not homeless tries to help you, it’s acceptable to take advantage of them.
  • Most camps are run by your local Park Ranger or the person most aggressive that decides he is in charge, whether you like it or not.
  • That rustling in the bushes at night is probably nothing to fear until you feel it against your leg in the dark.
  • You don’t have to worry about keeping the neighborhood clean, herds of mice and rats will follow behind you to maintain the neighborhood. What do you mean, that hill moved?
  • You get lots of loving, by those that can hold you down . . . sometimes in groups. No worry of STD’s, you got them.
  • Rummaging through trash cans and dumpsters for your meals provides a wide variety of healthy foods. Remember penicillin comes from mold. Cheese matures by molding. What are you talking about, it’s not alive, of course it is alive, can’t grow unless it is alive . . . Mmmm tasty!
  • You don’t do dope! You mean you didn’t used to do dope. Now you do it, sell it, and have it stolen from you . . . Daily!
  • And never forget . . . There is always a nice clean bathroom available if you need one.
  • “High Street Oakland is the place to be, Homeless livin is the life for me” Sung with the music from “Green Acres” theme song . . .

I have no idea if the homeless encampment at High Street is still rooted to the area but between rioters following the death of George Floyd and the ongoing theft to retailers at one point they were talking shutting down Home Depot there. Now, almost daily there is another retailer closing their doors due to theft losses being so high. And there is no longer a safe place to shop anymore. Not all of this is due to homelessness, but a significant portion is and sooner or later it is going to effect our communities and the value of the State. California used to be prime real estate. It is losing its appeal quickly. Major retailers that have been part of the San Francisco market for many years are closing their doors. High end retailers and jewelry stores, even in populated shopping malls are brazenly attacked in broad daylight losing millions of dollars to theft and driving consumers from the area. You have to ask yourself, who will they attack when the retailers are gone.

Which brings us to the rise in Home Invasion robberies. Again not directly attributed to homelessness but you need understand that these people are hungry and when one food source leaves, another will have to provide for their needs. There is no need for homelessness in the United States and no need for support of the homeless community, not when we have government agencies that can absorb a significant portion of those living homeless.

How many of our homeless could be enlisted in our military? How many of our homeless could be utilized supporting the military. Could the homeless be better helped by being used this way, given a job, given an income, and subsequently benefit from training that can provide them careers, as well as a roof over their heads. I’m not saying this is the perfect solution. Being homeless provides those of criminal nature excellent recruiting resource for crime. We need to stop this. We are doing nothing to redirect our homeless to a better place. I don’t believe all these people really want to be homeless, but there has to be a place for them to go that can provide for them and their families. Re-open a couple military bases. Those that cannot be absorbed by the military might find the expansion of civilian support retail in the area a viable place to get a job.

Again, I may not have an ideal solution. What we are doing presently is not working. If this idea only took 25 percent of the homeless of the street, even if only on a temporary basis, it would serve a more positive result than all the present efforts combined. Just my opinion. If you have a better opinion please tell us about it

A Unarmed White Man Shot by a Black Cop!

Did you hear about it, me neither! I was reading an article in some news rag that discussed this incident. It seems a Black Female Police Officer shot a unarmed White guy and nobody gave a damn about it. Had this been a White Cop shooting a Black person there would of been riots in the streets, even if the Black guy was armed and had dead babies hanging from his belt.

The fact that the Officer shot the unarmed White guy and was later to be determined a good shoot isn’t the issue. In my opinion it doesn’t matter the color of your skin, cops are not paid to fight every person out there that doesn’t want to comply. If a guy is going to fight a cop, he has every intent to hurt the cop. Of course use of less than lethal means need to be attempted first, but if they don’t work or the cop isn’t provided the opportunity . . .

What America has to realize is that everything that is or has happened to Black people also happens to White people and the 13 percent of the population is Black as a claim for the Black people being more abused than Whites, is an absolute lie. How can you have cities that has 30 to 60 percent Black, use 13 percent as the qualifier? The Washington Post is responsible for this lie. We all know racism and civil unrest sells newspapers, but why is almost all of America so gullible? For the record there are still more White people killed by cops in the U.S., White people just assume the White guy had it coming to him. You don’t see anybody marching in the street over a White person. But, shouldn’t there be more people marching the streets when it happens toa White guy?

As I was saying, everything that Black people have been suffering, there are white folk suffering through it too. But nobody cares to gather the data to show it White people don’t want to know that there are White people that aren’t affluent, educated, and have good family backgrounds. And, none of the other races care if White people suffer anything. Even if it is only 1 or 2 percent of the White populace in this suffering, 1 percent of White people is a much larger number than 1 percent of the Black populace.

So why isn’t anybody else saying this? It could be Whites not wanting to know who is suffering and everybody else not caring if Whites suffer, or not. Or, it could be America is afraid of the Black man. Or, it could be people are making big bucks off racism. Look around, how many people, business, and politicians are riding on the racial divide like it is their road to riches? Because it is! They have a meal ticket and an agenda designed to destroy America.

People in this Country have been lied to so much, that they believe the lies. People are making money off of racial issues, lots of money. And it is all bullshit because nobody is actually doing the research to speak on the topic competently. And, many people won’t even try to discuss these matters unless their opinion meets the status quo. Anybody that does have other opinion haws to worry about reprisal from their jobs to their community. Opposing opinions are quickly forced to shut up, stores quit carrying products from those of different opinion, employers terminate employment of those in conflict with the accepted norm, and so on and so on. And people believe in social media as though it gospel, while more false information is spread through social media than any where else.

Were we wrong to believe the Internet was going to provide us with the necessary information to make informed decision on important matters? The Internet has provided the hatemongers media to spread hate and discontent. I think the problem is, people find it easier to follow than to research for the truth.

Our society has made it uncool to be a White man when every issue raised by other races is championed in one way or another by White people. You may want to hate a White man from years long passed, but why do you hate those that do not follow their forefathers racial hatred to today? How is hate due to the color of my skin, any different than hate due to your skin color? I was reading an article the other day about White organizations, why is it acceptable to have Black, Hispanic, Indian, Chinese, or other race organization but not acceptable to have a White organization? Do we make the assumption that a White organization would support racism any more than the other race organizations? Why is it unacceptable for White people to have an organization that supports their heritage?

Every organization that has a race as part of their name promotes racism. Why? Because just by the name use of race it suggests that the organization is race motivated. And, every such organization should be removed from our society, to be replaced by organizations that support those in need regardless of skin color, and run by people that have the ability to respond to needs rather than skin color.

The answer is simple . . . In order for our society to move forward without ongoing racial divide, we as a society and as a people have to mature beyond skin color, practice equality, and be respectful of one-another. Our Government cannot do this. We need to do this, and it has to be done by all races. It isn’t so hard to do. Just mature beyond skin color and practice being color-blind and equality. Although our Government does not recognize the phrase “All Men are Created Equal” as a Constitutional Right. (The phrase was first used by I believe Hamilton in the Declaration of Independence) we as a people have to and we need to do so strongly, supported by all races. I suppose a better explanation of what I mean here would help. How about, there is no superior race, we are all men of equality.

You People Don’t Know What Woke Is . . .

All these people out here claiming to be “Woke” or spouting “Critical Race Theory” do not have a clue of how to do anything except the furtherance of racism. Do you want to know what “woke” is?

Woke is knowing that the Washington Post database has been used in furtherance of racism from the very start. How? This database claims the Black populace as being 13% of the population . . . except where it is 30 to 60 percent.

Woke is knowing that organizations like Black Lives Matter are a sham. Black Lives Matter never intended to be a support organization for Black people. BLM was formed to support a gay sports player. They simply had the name at the right place when the Gorge Floyd stuff kicked off.

Woke is knowing that all of these organizations that have a race in their name do nothing to fight racism. They make their living off racism, why try to fight it?

Woke is knowing that there are people out here that thrive on racial conflict, and that they at every opportunity try to voice their hate as far and as wide as they can.

Woke is knowing that the disparities claimed by Blacks seeking reparations doesn’t consider economics at all, only racism. Have you ever seen the number of Whites that got followed around stores, refused housing, could not get a job, or education during the same period. Sure it may only be 2 percent of the White population, but compared to the 13% Black population, that 2% is 20 times the number.

and, Woke is knowing that when we get done fighting to see who has suffered enough to stop this bullshit and mature enough as a society to become color-blind and start treating one-another with respect, with equality, and move forward with our futures . . . before we can’t.

Racism Through Reparations . . .

The State of California is about to give over $200,000.00 to each Black person qualifying for reparations living in California. This means that California Tax Payers are going to have to foot the bill to pay this benefit, making almost every Black person in the State wealthy while leaving the lower economics of the State to the White and Hispanic races. Why? Because politicians are ignorant regarding race and because most of our citizens are sheep believing almost anything they are told relevant to race, without ever researching the information for any form of validation.

The U.S. has long used racism as a cause of Black people not being treated fairly, paid equally, or facing daily adversity. But what they have failed to do is look at the entire situation. The common percentage mathmatics provide us numbers that do not tell the true answers to our questions.

The Washington Post database which says Blacks make up approximately 13 percent of the U.S. population and that the Blacks realize abuse by authorities at a much higher rate than their 13 percent should tells only a portion of the story. What it fails to tell you is that Black people do not live everywhere in the U.S. and based on the community Blacks do in fact prove to be between 23 and 60 percent. Which means using the 13 percent rule of measurement fails to demonstrate the true facts, more Whites than Blacks are subject to abuse by authorities. But nobody tells you that!

As far as the financial breakdown of the races, there is no database I have yet to have found that gives a true calculation of the White race. Every other race can be determined but for some reason the White race data does not reveal itself. The only thing I can come up with is these databases do not want to demonstrate the true data they show. But, my findings are possibly indicative of the need for additional research because nothing demonstrates the true picture presently.

In 2019 21.2 percent of Blacks were living at poverty level. 21.2 percent is approximately 8,244,000 Blacks. During the same time year 9 percent of the White population was at poverty level. 9 percent is approximately 17,328,200 Whites. But even more surprising is that 17.2 of Hispanic were poverty level. 17.2 percent is approximately 10,174,200 Hispanics. By the numbers, there are more White people living in poverty than any other race. By percentage Hispanics are the highest percentage living in poverty. Clearly Blacks are not the big winner for poverty level.

It is my contention that this reparations based on skin color does not demonstrate the true facts. I believe the key factors of those in poverty outweigh skin color and that were the data compiled it would show that everything, each item claimed as suffered by Blacks was and is still being suffered by every other race in this Country. People find it hard to believe that Whites are denied housing, education, health care, or other benefit . . . but it is true. America does not want people to know how many Whites are subjected to these same issues. To bring this information to the surface would mean America is failing to be the America it has claimed to be.

Back to reparations. California is ready to give millions of dollars to Black people not given the same opportunities as Whites, for the same sufferings in which Whites were not given the same opportunities as more affluent Whites. Does anybody see the buildup for more racial discord between the races?

Now factor in the Civil War, the war to free the slaves. America is calling for reparations to benefit Blacks whose family were slaves. But were the slaves the only peoples that suffered? How about the men that fought to free the slaves and the families that lost family members and subsequent opportunity lost to their children and their children? How many White people have suffered since that time simply because they support equality? You see, many people have suffered, not just Blacks. Keep in mind that no forward motion in effort to bring about equality has been done without White participation.

What benefit does reparations provide? Other than making some Black people more affluent than they presently are and creating a need for taxation to foot the bill, it does nothing but serve as an insult to others that have suffered in effort of equality. Reparations are not equality. Reparations are specific precluding participation of other races that have suffered loss similar to Black people without consideration by our Government or the people writing such into law.

Is this going to create racial disharmony? More than anything it will be compiled with all the other benefits afforded the Blacks without inclusion of the other races and it will bring about anger. And when people of all colors in this Country get angry enough to seek the truth and discover that those making money from our racial divide are the problem. If our politicians would pay attention and quit serving a single race at the cost of another race could certainly serve to benefit all of us. But Political America and Corporate America fear the Black man and do not want to let the world know that White America is suffering like everybody else, so we will suffer the lies they use to justify it, while they continue to create racial discord for us all. For those of us seeking an end to racism, it will create additional set back but we will continue seeking equality for all while hoping for the maturity to become color-blind for one and all.

Why Do White Lives Matter?

To answer this question you need to know what you are talking about. And before you suggest that I am wrong, you need to do a little research, to discover the real truth. Before I start this article, I want you to know that I do not support racism in any way. Equality, fairness, and social harmony; yes, racism; no.

Okay first: The Washington Post database that demonstrates that the population of Black people in the U.S. is approximately 13 percent. This is true, but misleading because believe it or not there are places in the U.S. that don’t have Black people. If you compare the populations of many of our major cities, the Black population ranges anywhere from 23 to over 60 percent. Using those same population figures there are more White people killed by Police than Black people. Before you get all up in your stuff to tell me I am wrong, go look at the data. Knowing this fact is not the big deal you may believe it is. Knowing this fact and wondering why our government, clergy, educators, and people we trust aren’t doing the research and telling us the truth is the big deal.

And second: Black Lives Matter, the organization was made to support a gay sports player, had nothing to do with supporting the Black population at all, and had no intent to do so. Having the right name and being in the right place at the right time allowed these people to take advantage of White Corporate America that in fear dumped millions of dollars in donations while BLM founders scooped it up, laughing it up as they were suddenly rich. BLM was not there to support George Floyd. They were there to grab misdirected money and did so. Since that day BLM people have done nothing to support Black people. They have however, joined the ranks of the “rich and famous.”

And third: The claims that Black people do not have opportunity as the Whites is another lie not adequately researched by anybody to make such claim. The data is available but not yet collected adequately to make a true determination. However, what data is available paints a very different picture. My interest in this topic came about from a situation in which a sports team hired a temporary head coach with no experience over a Black Assistant Coach and the media erupted with claims of racism. Looking at the sports organization I discovered that not only do they report the racial figurers for Players and Coaches but they also provide racial figures for damn near every employee of the Organization. Black Players made up from 60 to 80 percent of the Organizations Players, Black Coaches made up roughly 35 percent of the coaching staff. This prompted my delving into the topic further, so I reviewed “entertainment.” Who is the big loser in this topic? Asians! Blacks scored 25 to 35 percent in a majority of media and entertainment occupations. Again, knowing this fact is not the big deal you may believe it is. Knowing this fact and wondering why our government, clergy, educators, and people we trust aren’t doing the research and telling us the truth is the big deal. Going back to the 13 percent rule . . . what percentage of these jobs?

The point I am trying to show you is we are being fed lies with intent to create racial disharmony, and we are falling for it. Aren’t you tired of being lied to? Right now coast-to-coast in America our Government and Organizations are giving benefits to Black people while precluding Whites opportunity for the same benefit. Corporate America is telling their Hiring Managers not to hire White people. Do you really believe that Black people are the only race suffering the lower economy levels. Even if the entire 13 percent Black people were at such level, which they are not. There are at least an equal number of Whites suffering the same issues. And you have to ask, “do White Lives Matter.”

They are giving these benefits to Blacks and Others, excluding Whites under guise of fairness to the Black race. But what they are actually doing is building a whole new racism. This is the bottom of our economy levels. Do you think it fair one race benefit while another doesn’t? Another thing this situation does is highlight the true problem. Our Government is STUPID and cannot figure out the need for color-blindness in Government. To become color-blind requires maturing enough to seek fairness and equality regardless skin color. Really not that hard to do.

We need to stop living these lies. Don’t believe me. Do the research yourself. If you are in an occupation in which you are carrying these lies forward, quit your job or do the research to find the truth. All Lives Matter lets accept that and move forward.

Are We All So Unaware . . .

I was reading an article which read that the woman insulted her deceased father calling him racist. No, I didn’t continue reading that article because it suddenly occurred to me, “What else did she expect of her father?”

I’m elderly, which means dinosaurs roamed the earth up until a week before I was born. Not really, but the generation before mine was really racist. My grandfather and yours regardless of skin color was absolutely racist. Why? Because society at that time required it. Interracial relationships of any sort were not very popular and the idea of a romantic relationship would not make it past the idea stage.

My fathers generation brought with it the racism from their parents but found a portion of acceptance and tolerance between the races. It was the age of segregation and the KKK but the entire population was not diehard racist. By the end of my parents generation the “N” word was still commonly in use and a society that claimed equality of man, made efforts to become such with only a small step forward.

Along came my generation, and with an angry parentage due to riots, affirmative action, and desegregation my generation was wrought with racial discord from every angle. But with my generation came hope. By reaching the age of adulthood most of us had learned that we had to do better. We had to learn acceptance and tolerance and actually believe in the idea of equality. Many of us did just that, but not enough. Racism still flourished throughout my lifetime and into my children’s generation. How did we fail?

The first significant failure was brought about by our own government. You see, our government is full of idiots trying to do right the wrong way. Affirmative Action did one thing. It took jobs from qualified White men, giving those jobs to unqualified men of color. It doesn’t matter that a small amount of fairness or equality resulted from it because it brought about a completely new reason for hatred between the races. Nobody cared that taking from one race and giving to another race regardless the impact to those displaced by such action, would create hostility and furtherance of racism. But from this came the intended ability to work together and show respect for our fellow man. Still not enough but moving in the right direction.

One of the biggest road-blocks we faced was the lack of racial acceptance from the people of color. Most people of color to this day have not yet accepted the extended olive branch from White people. Then along comes a database compiled by the Washington Post which paints a picture of a complete racism with Black people being subject to abuse and killings by police at a higher percentage than White people. What this database fails to do is demonstrate the 13 percent Black population nation-wide was not the population percentages of the areas the claimed abuse came from. Black populations in the individual cities ranged from 27 to 69 percent and demonstrates more Whites killed by police every year. What is a higher concern is the use of the database by government, educators, politicians, and clergy without actually researching the database data for accuracy. It’s quite easy to understand, Black people make up 13 percent of the population nation-wide, but there isn’t any Black people in Tiny Town whatever State U.S.A. this means these Black people are not 13 percent everywhere, resulting in a much higher percentage of Black people someplace else. Use of the corrected population percentages demonstrates a far different picture. The problem is almost all Blacks as well as a significant portion of Whites believe the 13 percent lie.

Moving forward to about a year ago, a cop negligent in his responsibilities, kills George Floyd while in custody. The Country, both Black and White armed with the 13 percent lie start rioting in the streets nation-wide. City streets are filled with protesters of all colors rioting, looting, and destroying all they can. Prior to this event an organization was formed to support a Gay-Black athlete was formed. This organization was not formed to represent the Black populace in any way. But being in the right place, at the right time, Black Lives Matter is there when the riots began and Corporate America in fear of their lives dumps millions of dollars donating to the coffers of Black Lives Matter. This was not a planned event, but it is proof that having the right name at the right time can make a couple of Black Activists very rich. Corporate America suffering from rectal-cranial inversion believes they have done something to support the Black man has done nothing but toss their cash to be used as personal money by the founders of Black Lives Matter. Most of America believes that Black Lives Matter intended to provide support for the Black man. Black Lives Matter have yet to do anything but escalate racial tensions and fill their pockets with donated money building their personal wealth.

Another problem arises as America, tired of abusive cops scream “Defund The Police,” which may not be an all-together bad idea. Spineless politicians jump on the band-wagon and cities across America start cutting funding for their Police agencies. Interest in employment in Law Enforcement drops to lower than an all-time low, crime starts running rampant nation-wide as the criminal element has nothing to fear. Law Enforcement Officers treated like the enemy retire early or just quit leaving every police agency under-staffed, some by hundreds of officers. Today in America no street is safe as criminals take over the streets committing crimes, violent crimes, everywhere. This escalation of criminal activity leads to many retailers closing their doors for good as they do not believe police has the ability to protect them.

And yet, our political leadership believes the way to solve the problem is to give to one race by taking from another race. Government nation-wide is doing money giveaways in the form of guaranteed incomes, housing, and even employment excluding White people. Does anybody see the racial implications of this? Instead of our leaders correcting the issues necessary, they create new cause for racial divide. Apparently we have not yet learned enough from our past errors to be able to fix this.

I think I know what needs to be done. First eliminate any organization that has a race as part of it’s name. All these organizations are is furtherance of racism and people making profit off racism. None of these organizations want to eliminate racism, racism is how they make their money.

Then look at all government and give them a choice, color-blind or find another job. And then, do not give any service, monitory benefit, or any other offering based upon skin color. Only give these items to those in true need and give to those in true need.

Equality is not so hard to achieve. Simply mature beyond skin color and enjoy being color-blind.

Let’s Add Another FAVORITE to the New Racism . . .

San Francisco’s Mayor finds a way to create another rift in the City’s racial divide by giving guaranteed incomes for Transgender People. “San Francisco launches guaranteed income program for transgender people” is the original story in the News.

And this is where it starts! Don’t give resources to those in need by degree of need, Just give to people of one group while the rest go hungry or homeless. Let’s see how many people of need suffer while this group is protected. When did Government get so damn stupid? All they have done is create hatred towards transgender people. Then they expand on their idea with more?

They expand their scope of people qualified for this financial give away:

According to its website, the program will prioritize the following demographics for enrollment: “transgender, non-binary, gender non-conforming, and intersex people who are also Black, indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC), experiencing homelessness, living with disabilities and chronic illnesses, youth and elders, monolingual Spanish-speakers, and those who are legally vulnerable such as TGI people who are undocumented, engaging in survival sex trades, ​or are formerly incarcerated.”

DO YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT THERE ARE NO NEEDY WHITE PEOPLE IN SAN FRANCISCO? That is what it says. Look above, they have managed to list everybody except Whites. People incarcerated and even undocumented people can be considered and manage not to include the word “White” anywhere in their demographic. I would love to believe that San Francisco has nothing but the “well to do” living without problems within the confines of the City. But sadly I cannot believe that. Can you really visualize a committee meeting where the members discuss how to exclude White people? And you don’t feel it wrong? If you don’t think there are just as many needy White people as there are others, then you need to educate yourself a little bit. Sure there may be 10 percent of one race needy amounting to a significant number, but 2 percent of White people amounts to a far higher number than others.

So the City of San Francisco has created another issue that will cause disharmony on our streets. They could of done the smart thing and put somebody in their government that is interested in stopping racism/favoritism, and ignorance in the street. Perhaps somebody that is smart enough to recognize need beyond skin color or sex? There is absolutely nothing today that should be given to anybody based on the color of skin or the spelling of a name. and/or sexual preference. Every organization that uses skin color as part of its name should be run out of town on a rail. These organizations make their living off of racial divide, yet do nothing to stop it. And any money, housing, assistance, or benefit to be offered should be distributed based upon need. And, if the responsible parties distributing such cannot mature enough to act as color-blind, they need to be unemployed immediately. As a matter of fact anybody in any government employ that cannot do their jobs less use of skin color, needs to seek employ elsewhere.

There is a way to fix this. And it starts by practicing what we preach of men being equal. Nobody should receive anything over somebody more needy. Nobody should receive anything based upon skin color. And no politician that supports doing so is acting for the betterment of their community. I had so much hope the Bay Area was going to do things right but see nothing but disappointment from acts of our politicians. It is simple folks! ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL, treat them as such.


Damn, I Wish I Weren’t White . . .

A Washington Examiner headline, “Poll shows hiring managers discriminating against white men” caught my eye this morning. It comes at a time when being a White man seems a little unpopular. But is it fair? If the Black percentage of the population is around 13 percent, doesn’t that mean they should have about 13 percent of the jobs?

In the 2015-2016 television season, 74.6 percent of roles for cable scripted shows went to white actors, whilst 13.3 percent went to black actors, and just 2.6 percent to Asian actors.” Okay, this seems about right, or does it?

The majority of TV newsroom employees in the United States in 2020 were white, with African American staff and Hispanic and Latino employees making up less than 25 percent of the total. The survey projected that the share of Hispanic and Latino employees would increase slightly in 2021 but the forecasted percentage remains under 13 percent.” Somebody works with the same math I do.

Employed persons by detailed occupation, sex, race, and Hispanic origin <-This link goes to the actual data page

  Officials and administrators, public administration..............................      720     52.6      13.0         
    Administrators, protective services............................................       54     25.3      13.3    Inspectors and compliance officers, except construction............................      247     36.4      14.4
  Dietitians.......................................................................       74     90.2      18.7
 Prekindergarten and kindergarten..................................................      647     97.7      14.7
Social, recreation, and religious workers..........................................    1,556     57.3      17.4             Social workers......................................................................     848     74.0      22.7       Recreation workers.................................................................      129     74.2      20.5 

And, I can keep going down the list. The end column at the far right is the percentage of Black people in that occupation. Don't take my word for it, follow the link above to go to the actual data page. My point is Black people actually populate our workforce in some very good numbers. Add professional sports players and entertainers figures to this and I believe you will find that Black people have a bunch of the good paying jobs, exceeding the 13 percent  discussed above.

Now, we go and turn the apple-cart upside down because folks out there are making their living off of racism telling people that are too lazy a bunch of lies and unfairly taking jobs from the White man. I find this offensive as fuck!

I have never taken any opportunity away from anybody. Never owned a slave. Don't care what color your skin is. And, I have never taken the food off another mans table based on the color of his skin. Corporate America is afraid off the Black man, so instead of doing the right thing and ensuring that their hiring practices are color-blind, they turn around and do the opposite and create a new racial issue.

Listen up folks . . . We are where we are today because folks are making money off racism, and we keep letting them do it. It's not hard to recognize men as equals and if you can mature enough to be color-blind most issues will resolve themselves. Folks out there that can't mature to that level, are the problem. They come in all colors and they aren't helping nobody, but themselves at our expense. Corporations, Politicians, Government is so busy trying to make new racial issues that they can't see they are the problem. If they would have treated men as equals a long time ago, we would be in a much better place today . . . 

Father Kills 2 Year-old Son . . .

That isn’t the actual headline of the story. But, it is true. The headline read: N.C. Boy, 2, Finds Loaded Gun in Front Seat of Truck and Kills Himself, and Father Faces Charges . And the father should face charges, murder chargers. It’s the same story over and over again. Somebody doesn’t secure their weapon properly, and someone gets killed because of it. The true problem in this case as is in many, a child gets dead. You have to ask yourself, what kind of jackass parent leaves a loaded gun where a 2 year-old kid can get access to it? While we are asking questions, why was he even carrying a gun in the first place?

I think we are seeing a pattern developing here. Parents cannot handle being parents so they have found a way to eliminate children. No, that is likely not the case. But can you think of any reason to endanger your children that qualifies as important or threatening enough that you need carry a gun?

Guns are a necessary evil in many of our lives. But the necessity has never included the killing of your own child due to gun owner negligence Yet it seems as though we hear it almost daily. With gun ownership comes responsibility. If you own it, you are responsible for any mis-use of it. If you are stupid enough to not secure it and it gets used in a mass shooting or even ends in the death of your own child, you are the one that made it happen, you are the one needs to be charged with committing the crime.

And I hope they throw the fucking book at you!

The Halloween, that wasn’t . . .

Have we already lost to those who wish us a lack of fun and lost imagination? Have they sufficiently beat us down so far that we cannot go into our city streets and have fun anymore? What has happened to the land that I love? What has happened to the people that used to live in this Country that enjoyed the party, the costumes, and the thrill of having our hearts beating in fear of something or someone hiding in the dark?

You may not have missed Halloween last night. If you were lucky and the Halloweens’ found you, tell em I miss em.

Wait, what the hell am I supposed to do with all this candy? I am diabetic, I cannot eat all this (munch, munch, burp . . .) candy! Diabetic Coma, here I come. You know, I only bought candy that I liked. Stuff like “Reese Peanut Butter Cups,” “3 Musketeers,” and “HoHo’s.” And, I bought gobs of it. I can swim in Peanut Butter and Chocolate for the next week if I want.

Man, I hope Turkey Day and Christmas doesn’t pass me by . . . Oh Santa?

Wait! I know somebody had a Halloween! So long as there be ex-wives and mothers-in-law, there be witches!

The State of America . . .

I read an article in a news publication today in which people were asked to say what they thought of the state of America today using one word. Let it suffice to say, there were very few favorable responses and no visible argument to the negativity noted. Why? What has happened to America? Has America become both financially and morally bankrupt? Has the Pandemic destroyed the heart of America? Has racial divide and failure of us to educate our young brought about the end of peace on our streets? What exactly has happened to America?

The Pandemic brought about a lot of loss. Family, friends, and neighbors suddenly were sick or dead. We were unable to be in close contact with others which for many is a human need. When we did go out into the community again it waws with a mask covering our face. Our neighbors and friends fought over this requirement in public stores and streets largely because of misinformation passed on social media. Dis-trust of our Government grew significantly day-by-day, and nothing could be done to stop the downhill trend not to believe in Government. This dis-trust continues today because our Government to date has failed to identify the source of the Covid-19 virus that almost killed a Nation that has done nothing to discover the reasons why.

A Nation of unemployed supported by Government with far too much time on their hands as Pandemic restrictions eased allowed the growth of criminal activity on our streets, followed by the unfortunate death of George Floyd while in police custody on a public street brought racial tensions to the top of our Nations issues as well as the crippling of our police departments across the Nation. Presently, crime has increased to such a degree that our city streets are unsafe even during daylight hours Police Officers disheartened by cries of the public to “defund the police” and the inability of Government to acquire enough recruits to fill the required police officer employees, has left police departments unable to meet the challenges of fighting crime in our neighborhoods to the extreme that store closures are necessary due to rampant theft.

Inmates that were released from our prisons and jails control our streets with the help of local street thugs that even when law enforcement catches them, are back on the streets within hours leaving the community living in fear. People that had previously lived a life of lawful living suddenly found the only way to prosper in life was to take what you wanted, has begun to do so. Even in the best of neighborhoods, crime riddles the streets and fear of “home-invasion” is real While it has in the past been offensive to declare “martial law” to protect the community, may become necessity in the near future.

Failure of “gun owners” to properly secure their weapons continues to be a primary factor in many school mass shootings, and other shootings of our children. And, no matter how loud it is hollered people still cannot hear our pleas to “please secure your guns.” Our Government still fails to prosecute gun owners for the mis-use of their guns by others, even when negligence by the gun owner is obvious continues. Parents as well as children fear school days and wait for the dreaded call of an incident at their local schools. On the adult venue, people no longer feel safe attending events such as concerts, fairs, or even movies.

I have to stop writing this. The negativity compiled by simply writing this thus far, hurts. Where is this headed? How and to what degree are we going to have to go to defend ourselves? This is not the America I grew up in nor the America our children should live in. You see, the previous paragraphs written are just the tips of the ice-berg. I could write for days on this topic and not repeat the same concern twice. I’m unsure of whom to point a finger at to blame for the state of America today, without the finger eventually pointing back at myself, as in all of us. And to make things even worse, I cannot think of a single thing to say good on this topic . . .

Can you? Feel free to comment below.

The Headline Read . . .

Today’s news story of interest has a headline that says: “Florida Sergeant in Hot Water for Tweet Calling Black People One of ‘America’s Biggest Problems’.” This statement is one of the most true statements in the news today.

Black people ARE one of America’s biggest problems today, and a problem that is not a simple fix for anyone to resolve. And the fact that all of America jumps on the band-wagon of anyone making claim of anything negative without checking the information out for validity before they follow like sheep. People believe America has become more knowledgeable of things due to social media when the opposite is true. The only way social media can be beneficial to anyone is if the lies are not given credibility because we are too lazy to research the information finding the truth. We are so prone to accepting negative claims about anything that quite often social media accuses, tries, convicts, and seeks hanging until dead, dead, dead . . . On false information, before an investigation of any sort is conducted. And, the eagerness to follow false information has become ridiculous.

Now, nothing said above has any negative statement against any race, sex, religion, or otherwise is offensive. Raise your hand if you think I made a racial statement or untrue statement above. Alright, now count.

Do you think you are really knowledgeable about the issues of People of Color in America today? Answer these simple questions:

  1. What is the percentage of America are Black people?
  2. Black Lives Matter is an organization that was formed for the betterment of All Black people in America?
  3. Corporate America fears the Black Man?
  4. Where can you find the database that claims Black people are approximately 13% of the U.S. population?
  5. Are you truly informed and knowledgeable on the issues relevant to Black people in America today?
  6. Is there any program/solution in place today that is not in furtherance of racism?
  7. Black people are killed by police more than any other race?

No, the above isn’t a poll. I am not recording your answers. There will not be an additional test later in this session. But, how many of these questions do you believe you have the correct answer? You don’t even have to leave this site to see if you are right or not regarding your answers. Just read the information presented on this web site. But, DO NOT accept it as truth unless you are willing to validate the information by other means.

They Should Charge These Parents With Murder!

I know I may be sounding a little extreme but give it a moments thought. What better way to get rid of you children, then to leave 3 young children home alone with a loaded shotgun? As a matter of fact wouldn’t that also make a great lead-in for a Horror Movie. But this isn’t some movie theme, it’s real. Now, one child will have to live the nightmare of killing their sibling, for the rest of his life. In the news article a Texas 10-year-old boy has shot his 8-year-old brother with a shotgun, killing him. Their 13-year-old brother was there and called 911.

Think of the drama these lives will have to deal with. The 13-year-old will forever believe himself responsible for his brothers death because we all know we are responsible for our younger siblings. Then 10-year-old will forever carry the guilt because he is the one that shot the 8-year-old. But who is actually responsible for the death of this boy and the harm it does to the other two boys?

In case you are having difficulty pointing the finger at the guilty party in this case . . . It’s the adult that brought the gun into the home, and left it loaded and unsecured for children to gain access to it. I know somebody out there is going to say, “They’ve suffered enough, they have lost a child.” 3 children’s lives are destroyed and you think they should go unpunished because their negligence is the cause of it?

Charge them with MURDER and treat it like they murdered somebody else’s child. Just think, all they had to do was secure the weapon where the children would not have access to it, or unload it, or add a trigger lock. A $25.00 trigger lock or putting it where a kid can’t get to it, and an 8-year-old boy would be alive right now.

Oh, a link to the news story https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/ten-year-old-boy-accidentally-shoots-and-kills-eight-year-old-brother-with-shotgun-in-texas/ar-AA13pgex?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=b8d84143da404e58bc8ba9de87389350

Let’s Play “What If’s”

Sounds stupid doesn’t it? Yes, it is. But I am sitting here at my desk watching Asian Comedians describe being the only Asian amongst a group of White People. They describe being given nick-names vs. use of their real names deciding that the use of the nick-name racist. There has been numerous truly racist names given to Asian people as real names. Soldiers during the Viet Nam war were particularly cruel in giving names to their illegitimate children. Names like: Dum Phuk, Do Ho, Lil Dic, and a whole bunch more were to become part of American History, and cause of much abuse to the children throughout most of their lives That was racial and offensive. But those were real names.

Alot of people are given nick-names, for many different reasons. I am guilty of using nick-names for friends with names I could not pronounce properly. Not a single time was it intended to be offensive.

Being the only person of your race amongst a whole bunch of another race can be very stressful and everybody that raises this topic tell it as them being the only of their race with a bunch of White People. I don’t think I have ever heard a story on this topic in which the only was with an other-than-White group of people or a lone White person amongst a group of another race.

The reason I ask this question is because I believe that people that claim all this racism, never look at the shoe on the other foot. Have they ever witnessed how a group of their race treat others of a different race? I know I have walked into a room of another race only to have them start talking in their own language, about me like I wasn’t there. What usually followed was comments between each other that were obviously derogatory about me. It is uncomfortable and sometimes threatening at times.

Anybody else have a story to tell. Keep it real!

Candace & Kanye . . .

Why is it when people speak truth, they get treated poorly? It isn’t because they are wrong. It may make them less popular, but they still are telling the truth shouldn’t we listen? Didn’t we listen when they had a different opinion? Not only did we listen, but we marched on their opinion. If their opinion was the popular opinion we would listen and follow their lead. Don’t fret, I have the answer to these questions and more.

The reason we don’t listen to or follow the less desirable opinion is because we as a society are a bunch of sheep following somebody that may not even know what they are talking about. And most of us are too lazy to do the research to seek the truth. I realize that this is not a popular opinion but it is still the truth. We believe we are so enlightened by the information provided by the Internet, but if you are following somebody else’s lie or misinformation? Go ahead, keep following like sheep . . .

Allow me top give you an example. Most believe Black Lives Matter was formed to represent the Black race. It was not! I know I could give you the answer to this, but would you believe me? George Floyd is likely rolling over in his grave with Kanye’s drug accusation. But, after you’ve destroyed city after city did you ever wonder how he ended up on the ground with a cops knee on his neck? Under no circumstance should he have died while restrained by police, but how did he end up on the ground in the first place? These are the questions you need ask if you seek truth. Most people believe that the Washington Post’s database that claims that Black People are 13% of the population and get treated so unfairly by police and others based upon that percentage gives a true representation of the topic. It doesn’t but the Washington Post has done nothing to clarify their claims. Although nation-wide Black People make up about 13 percent of the population, in many of our major cities the Black population is 33 to 60 percent.

It is easy to follow somebody else’s stupidity, but that only serves to make you just as stupid. Research before you follow, its the smart thing to do.

“Racism Against White People”

This is a topic not discussed very much, but is a very serious concern. Why? Because the current society opinion does not support White America. Allow me to explain: (This was the topic of Fox News)

Throughout my life I have supported equality of everyone and coming from the wrong side of the tracks and being in a low-income family rarely did I ever experience “white privilege” or any other form of favoritism. But as an adult I felt the opposite in the form of “equal opportunity employment”. This is the law that allowed people less qualified to be employed at a job to be hired for that job based on the color of their skin. The first thing you have to understand about such law, is it does not effect those that wrote it. Those that have white privilege still have it. The reality of the situation is that white privilege is based on wealth and unwealthy whites do not have it.

Every new policy, law, or program intended to provide equality for Black America does one thing. It takes from support of the Unwealthy White. Do you think these new laws and such affect those of White Privilege? Not in any way! I do not know if any kind of support was available to my mother when I was a child, but I remember a party being held for me in elementary school in which my fellow students provided me gifts of socks and underwear because I didn’t have any. The reality that such a party could be held embarrassed me my entire life. Within a year or two, students participating in this party would tell others about it leading to issues later. Programs for the benefit of any of us should benefit all of those in need. Did I grow up with White Privilege? No!

Throughout my entire adult life, I have supported equality. I have not committed acts of violence against any person other than in self-defense or defense-of-others and never based upon skin color. I have never owned, pimped, or enslaved anyone of any color. I have never taken advantage of, ripped off, or profited in the exploitation of anyone of any color. Yet I have been victim of such when befriending others of color. Why? Because people of color are raised believing the difference in skin color is the problem. They fail to recognize the economics involved.

One of the first things I hear Black people complaining about is being followed by store security. It doesn’t just happen to Blacks. As a lower-income-youngster, I also enjoyed this type of harassment. Later when working store security as an adult I developed my own reasoning for whom to pay attention to not based on skin color. The result was more attention to Blacks, but not due to skin color. In each incident some other factor was the cause. Even today, be White and homeless and walk into a store, see if you get more attention than others.

The point I am trying to make is every complaint of racism nobody actually looks at it as though the same situation does occur to Whites. Lack of employment, educational opportunity, and even housing are boundries enjoyed by all, except those affluent enough to get through such.

We come to today when everybody is woke. Woke means to make me pay for the wrongs of others. Like I previously mentioned: I have never owned, pimped, or enslaved anybody regardless of skin color. Neither did my father. And, his father fought for the North during the Civil War. I have always been woke to equality. White America doesn’t know how to handle this. I do! Quit using skin color as an excuse. Educate yourself, that Washington Post database that says Blacks are 13 percent of the population but are treated poorly more than Whites is a lie. It doesn’t tell you that in the communities that the problems are the actual population of Blacks is around 25 to 45 percent, and in certain cities even higher. Whites are killed more than any other race, but the database doesn’t calculate the killings per police data.

If you truly want for equality, mature beyond skin color. Recognize there are good and bad of all colors amongst us and deal with such accordingly. And most important of all, quit making the White Race of today your enemy. I am not responsible for the acts of a man committed before I was even born. Recognize that the progress made thus far in equality have not been solely supported by any minority. White men from the onset have supported and given even their lives in furtherance of equality. Quit making policy, law, or organization specific to race. Doing so only fosters racism. Such should be developed Soley to serve a need not skin color. Become color-blind, it really isn’t that hard to do. Just remember all men are created equal and forget skin color.

Racism in Progress – Reparations

USA Article this morning: Most Black people want reparations. They don’t believe America will give them any

Reparations do nothing to end racism. Reparations do nothing but give to a single class of people and disregards all other issues that stem from racism. Are we going to end racism by giving wealth to Black people that could be used to benefit all races, or are we going to create a class of person that is elite and government-made wealthy just on the color of their skin.

Before we consider reparations to anyone shouldn’t we look at how racism affected everyone. Black people believe they were the only race subject to harm in the past. How many Black people have been lynched in support of White people? During the Civil War, how many White People gave their lives in support of abolishing slavery? My point is not to diminish the loss of Black people brought upon due to slavery, but to demonstrate Black people have made no progress in achieving equality on their own. In order for Black people to enjoy the freedom they enjoy today, a whole bunch of White people has had to willingly sacrifice their lives, their families, and their futures to help Black people get here.

Do Black people give credit to those that have worked in support of their cause? Then why are reparations for Black people even being considered instead of reparations for all those that have suffered due to slavery? Don’t you see, reparations is nothing less than a continuation of racism that will negatively affect generations to come.

For reference: ” Lynching was not a crime committed exclusively against black people. Between the 1830s and the 1850s the majority of those lynched in the United States were whites. From 1882-1968, some 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States (not all lynchings were recorded). Of these, 3,446 or 73 percent were black and 1,297 (27 percent) were white.”

You cannot fight racism, giving to one while another suffers. Slavery has happened numerous times in history and all races have suffered from it. Look at America today. People of all races , colors, and creeds are suffering. I look down my street and I see everyone suffering from low incomes, lack of work, lack of opportunity. It is not just Blacks, it is everybody. If you want to fix America, quit trying to fix just a single skin color.

Hot Topic: Officer’s Immunity

DOES ANYONE UNDERSTAND WHY THERE IS IMMUNITY FOR PEACE OFFICERS? They are granted certain immunity so they can just go out there shoot stupid !@#$& that holds still long enough to get shot. Everybody seems to think the only one responsible for most of this so let’s make the cops more liable and require the cops get more training that won’t fix the problem.

Where the liability needs to go is to the citizen. Why are people allowed to resist and fight with cops? Do you really think that cop is getting paid well enough to have to fight some idiot every day? Do you realize that it is still legal to shoot a fleeing felon in certain parts of this country? And, you only have to suspect he committed a felony? As far as training goes, parents why are your children fighting and running from the law? Parents need to stop blaming cops for your childs poor decision-making skills. Isn’t this country screwed up enough? Our parent’s parents took responsibility for their stoopids and fails, why can’t we? And at this rate or children’s children won’t have to accept responsibility for anything. Of course, that will be our failure.

Cops DO NOT just grab an innocent person slam him to the ground and shove a knee in their back. Okay it doesn’t happen like that most the time. Usually, in order to end up dropped to the ground, you had to do something. And probably what you did was scared the cop by acting like an ass instead of doing what the cop told you to do. And this just comes back to your parents not teaching you good decision-making skills.

If a cop comes at you for a crime you didn’t commit, do you:

1.) Argue and fight with the cop, getting your ass whipped and pissing the cop off more because you tear his uniform?

2.) Or, do you cooperate with the officer, allow the arrest, call an attorney as soon as you can and file suit for false arrest? Without getting your ass hurt or shot.


Now, If ya’all was paying attention I just learned you something that your parents likely failed to learn ya growing up. You are as responsible as that cop if you end up with your ass tossed to the ground and believe it or not real men accept responsibility for their actions, as you should teach your children.

“Lord please save us from our own stoopidity” (Yes, I spelled it that way on purpose)

Black Lives Matter – Money Matters

“The leader of the national Black Lives Matter group has been accused of stealing more than $10 million from the charity’s donors.” Is the leading line in an article I read in MSN’s news app this evening.

Folks DO NOT understand that Black Lives Matter had nothing to do with George Floyd. BLM was originally formed to support a gay athelete. There was no support of the Black Community at all. One of the original Leaders of the BLM is a Political Activist. BLM was just in the right place, at the right time. When the unrest subsequent to George Floyd’s death kicked-off and Corporate America started wetting their britches they looked for someone to pay in hopes of self preservation. BLM was there and it’s name alone made it seem the logical choice. Corporate America gave 90 million dollars to a group of people that don’t give a damn about Black people. But, BLM got the money and they know how to spend it.

How many people could of benefitted from the 10 million dollars? ONE! You would think a lot more, but BLM was not established with any such goals in mind. Their goal seems only to scrape bits and peices of the cash off for individual gain. Shortly after Georrge Floyd one of the other BLM Leaders bought herself a bunch of high value multi-million dollar homes.

BLM is living evidence of an organization absolutly making a living by promotion of racism, while claiming to support others. And Corporate America (the wise busness men that they are) went right out and paid these frauds to promote racism and neglect the cause they claimed to support. What seems the worse part of this situation is that the Black Community is allowing the BLM Leaders to continue their failure.

It is really a shame that these common “street-hudlums” ended up with all this cash. What does this say of White America? Does White America fear the Black Man? That much? And, does anyone care to know the truth about the lies that continue about Blacks being treated worse than others.

When you decide that you really want to put an end to racism, mature enough to become color-blind so that skin color does not factor into decisions made, support services offered, and anything else that should not be race relative, isn’t! It really isn’t that hard to do . . .

My versatilityWeb Directory

The True Miscarriage of Justice

People think the offense of a street thug being beat down by police is a serious problem. While it is offensive, it’s not the problem folks think it is. Most the time the person being beat down may just need it. Before ya’all start getting crazy on me . . . Go walk down certain city streets alone after dark, you will find the person I’m talking about. Or more likely, he’ll find you.

But the person discussed above isn’t the true miscarriage of justice. The falsly accused, arrested, procecuted, convicted, and sentenced for a crime they did not commit is. In this type of situation the victim did nothing wrong but gets kidnapped and placed in a hostile environment, stipped of his freedom and his life because the system failed them and the original victim of the crime that set this situation in motion.

Whaty truely bothers me about a case like this is the criminal acts committed against the wrongfully accused that never get procecuted. Almost every case like this involves a cop that either turns up evidence they know false, a procecutor that surpresses evidence or does not properly investigate information that may prove the accused did not commit the crime, or a victim falsly accussing the person of committing a crime. Everybody in prison today that says they are innocent, they did not commit the crime putting them there may not be telling a lie. Those telling the truth, that claim themselves innocent of the crime committed, are themselves the more serious victim. But what of the crimes committed that led to their incarceration? Let’s look at this situation a little further for a moment.

Wnen a crime is committed, the intent of our Criminal Justice System is to identify and punish the person that committed the crime:

  • When a person is falsly convicted of a crime, the person that committed the crime is left among us to continue his criminal conduct.
  • In order for a person to be convicted of a crime he didn’t commit, somebody else has committed a more serious crime.
  • In order for somebody to be convicted of a crime he didn’t commit, somebody we believe to be an honest and truthful person is not as honest and truthful as we believe.
  • Everybody that participates in the wrongful conviction of a person; The victim, the Judge, Prosecuter, witnesses, cops, ande those sitting in the Jury are all now part of a criminal act. Even if they do not know it, they have conspired with others to take away an innocent mans freedom.

Not a big deal, right? It’s a damn big deal. We have people that we entrust with our safety, our community, our society that are able to commit the most serious of crimes without punishment. When was the last time you heard of somebody being prosecuted for not investigating possible evidence that might have proven a person not guilty of a crime?

There is a story in todays news about a 17 year old boy that got convicted of a rape he did not commit, spending 36 years in prison. It was later determined:

“His trial attorney did not elicit this evidence from witnesses and the police officer analyst misrepresented the results of his testing,” 

I’m sorry but if it were me that lost 36 years of my life, my young life . . . I would be pissed. Why isn’t somebody being prosecuted for this crime? How many others have become victims as he has. Everybody that hadee anything to do with his arrest and conviction including the original victim should be tried for conspiracy to multiple offenses. I won’t continue this discussion right now but check out the links below for additional thought on the subject:

More: Louisiana man wrongfully convicted of rape as teen exonerated after 36 years in prison

10 innocent people who were sent to prison for crimes they didn’t …

Read An Interesting Article About Guns Today

Actually, I read this article about 4 days ago. Since reading this article a security guard has killed a gal, a reserve police officer has accidently shot his girlfriend, and a 6 year old has killed himself with his fathers gun. This shit has got to stop! The article is “American Gun Sales Collapse in 47 Statesby Douglas A. McIntyre. Mr. McIntyre puts some interesting information out in his article. One statement in his article states.

“Americans believe that the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution allows them to freely own as many guns as they would like, and that they should be able to wear these guns in the open. As the Amendment reads, ”A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” 

Telling the truth I support the Right to Bear Arms. And I also support the requirement of Backgrounds, Regfistration, Lawful Carry, and Gun Ownership. What I don’t support is people owning guns that do not know how to properly use and secure their firearms. Oh I also support an Insurance Requirement that goes along with owning guns.

It just does not make sense that people can buy and in some cases carry a firearm without any form of training or acceptance of liability. Police and Military have to participate in training relative to the safe use of their weapon. They also have to qualify their shooting ability before they get to use one. But Joe Average can go buy a gun and ammunition and start shooting folks without even a conversation regarding its proper use and handling, And it’s obvious that these people have recieved no training . . . Bullshit! One is a Security Guard that has been trained and carries a gun for a living, another is a Reserve Police Officer, also trained.

If I were of political office, I would write a new law requireing that in addition to the background requirement, all persons purchasing a firearm would be required to pass a training program on use and handling of firearms. And, if you wanted to purchase a firearm that was not used as a “carry” weapon you would be required to also carry a liability insurance policy specifically covering your firearm. If your firearm was to be used as a “carry” weapon then you would have to carry a bit more insurance. Think about this for a minute. If you want to have a firearm, and you want to do it legal . . . Why not learn how to do it and provide protections for its misuse? With gun opwnership there is a necessary responsibility. A responsibility we fail to accept in this Country. Isn’t it about time that we did?

Union Created & Sanctioned Racism . . .

Minneapolis teachers Union seems to believe that laying off employees should be based upon skin color. And for you folks that are stuck in the old definition of racism that believe it can’t be racism if it is against white people, definitions change daily. If the same act was done by a White person to a person of color and it considered racism, then it’s racism. As a matter of fact, any policy that includes a race should be considered unlawful and unethical as they promote racism. If your goal is the end of racism quit using race in any form.

The thing that is most true of policies like this. Thier intent is to take from one group of people and give it to another, and the people writing the policy will not be effected by it.

Minneapolis has been going crazy over this topic for the past few days. It is a shame that common sense hasn’t been brought into the situation. Common sense dictates that the Teachers Union be disposed of to be replaced by an Association or Union that understands that the teachers that will be effected by such policy are not responsible for any wrong-doing in past hiring practices. Allowing asuch policy to effect a teacher that has senority within the system, that is already a qualified teacher, for a lesser qualified person is not only likely illegal, but also stupid.

There is nothing in this policy that does not promote racism, and our educational system should be the first to demonstrate and teach an end to racism. For a Teachers Union to support any race based policy is ridiculous. But, we have Government nation-wide doing similar acts. And, every one of them promotes racism.

What happens when you take from one and give to another? The one taken from suddenly starts to lose their tolerance and acceptance for others and sooner or later you have created a whole new reason for hate. We need to stop the ongoing hatred and distrust. But, not by getting rid of skilled educators.

Minneapolis needs to solve their unfair hiring practices, and I believe that means gedtting rid of their entire school board, replacing the board members with those that are truly concerned with ending racism. And do this before hiring or firing any teachers. I could write on this topic for hours. Nip the problem in the bud, where the problem exists. Then when you hire again, you hire people that do not support any form of racial disharmony. Then if you must get rid of existing teachers, get rid of those that do not support ending racism. You cannot make progress in the illimination of racism, until somebody takes a step gto make it happen.

When Are We Going To Charge A-Holes For Murder?

I know . . . What am I talking about? I’m talking about these A-holes that don’t care about their own family members, neighbors, or anybody else that leave unsecured firearms around for children to pick up and harm others. The story that has me all irritated comes out of Baltimore where a Security Guard leaves his gun laying around the house where a 9 year old boy picks it up and shoots a 15 year old neighbor girl, killing her.

It is about time that something is done about the stupidity and negligence of assholes wuith guns. There is one person responsible for the death of this little girl. The Security Guard needs be arrested and charged for the murder of this girl, as well as child endangerment and any other charge that are applicable to this case. Keep in mind, this is not some lil gang member messing around with a gun. No, this is an adult that has been at least given basic firearms training that knows better than to leave an unsecured firearm anywhere. This is a person that makes his income carrying a firearm on his belt.

The headline reads “9-year-old accidentally shoots, kills 15-year-old girl in SW Baltimore.” What the headline should say is “Security Guard in SW Baltimore charged with murder in the death of 15-year-old girl

I apologize for my blatant anger over this situation but this is not an accident, this is negligence coupled with a disregard for others. This Security Guard is responsible for the death of this girl as though he shot her himself. And there is no excuse for it at all.

Here is the story: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/9-year-old-accidentally-shoots-kills-15-year-old-girl-in-sw-baltimore/vi-AA10q8HG?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=4d29ed948b3a42af8ef86a4524f40b52&category=foryou

Government Manufactured & Sanctioned Racism

The Mercury News ran an interesting story today about Alameda County being sued by an anti-affirmative action group because of their public contracts policy. Alameda County has a policy that gives a portion of their contracts to minority owned business. What this means is Alameda County instead of trying to eliminate racism, creates racism.

If the goal of Alameda County is to provide construction jobs to all races, they don’t need to. Construction right now is suffering from a shortage of workers, both skilled and unskilled. Most construction companies have a very diversified crew, of varying skillsets and color. Except minority owned construction companies. Many minority owned construction companies are comprised of a single race. That is pretty much the norm for many minority owned companies. Today most of the non-minority owned companies have a policy of hiring the person that can do the job, regardless skin color. Their hiring criteria is compitence in doing the job, which is as it should be. Reserving a portion of contracts for a minority owned company that serves to employ only a single race is nothing less than promotion of racism.

The link for the story is below . . .

Alameda County sued by anti-affirmative action group over public contracts policy

If you seriously want to fight racism, you don’t do so by creating racist policy. Any policy, any organization or anything else that favors one race over another serves but one purpose, the promotion of racism. To make matters worse, we have people writing policy that don’t care the impact of the policy, because they will never be subject of the policy. And if you look closely, you will see somebody making money by it. If an organization has a race as part of its name its purpose is to make money off of what may be a ledgitimate social injustice while not doing anything to fix the problem.

At some point, our society has to quit thinking that the way to fix racial issues is by taking from one race to give to another. That does not work. What we need is a solution in which race has no part of the solution. Government and Corporate America need to quit pandering to every race, develop a color-blindness that distributes resources or other benefit to people based upon need and to be fair to everyone involved.

If you look outside any door in any major city in America today, put your color-blind glasses on, and you will see America is in trouble. Everywhere you look there are people in need. People are suffering. Not just one race, every race has been given their share of the suffering. And. that is what needs be fixed. Quit trying to build more and more racism and fix the suffering of the people. There is no acceptable reason for people in America to not have adequate food or shelter today. If you took all the money from organizations that get rich off promoting racism and put it to use solving suffering, all the races would benefit and our society would improve significanty.

Alameda County’s policy regarding construction contracts is bullshit. It does nothing to fight racism, it does not serve the community, and will cause harm by serving one race over another. And, that is the real harm. That is the continuing racism that needs to be stopped.

Happy 4th of July!

Photo by Miguel Acosta on Pexels.com

Our Country is in trouble, but Happy 4th of July anyway. One of the biggest issues we face in the U.S. is the number of people that don’t understand where they are from. We have people in this country that do not realize they are Americans.

I don’t care where your daddy’s daddy came from, if you were born here, immigrated here, or were a transplant here . . . You are likely an American. If you have sworn allegiance to this country, then you can consider yourself an American. But, if you were born in the good old US . . . You are not anything else other than American The only way to move America forward is for all Americans to quit trying to be loyal to the place they ran from, got driven from, or got stolen from and support the place in which you live.

Next on our list is these mass shooting incidents. WTF is wrong with you people? Killing people you don’t even know, people that have caused you no harm, and children? There is no place in America today you can enjoy an event or even a birthday party without worry that some idiot with a gun is going to come shoot everything and everyone up. Our children can’t even attend school without fear of being killed, even in remote country schools. And, I have yet to hear of any of these incidents that had real reason. In my opinion if there is no real reason, the shooter is nothing more than a fucking idiot or has mental problems. You thinking about going out playing shoot-em-up? Don’t worry, history will remember you for the loser you are.

Next, what is the deal with full-grown men , big strong men beating up the old and the weak? I just don’t get it. Ya gonna rob some little old lady and then beat her down? Are you expecting to be recognized for your strength, bravery, and good conduct? Yeah right! And of course, the rest of the criminal element? There are so many people doing wrong now, you can’t trust anybody. The “living in a safe environment” no longer exists. And children are as much of the problem as adults.

What are we doing about all of this? Nothing! Sure the police are trying to get a handle on things, but then they unload 60 rounds into an unarmed man and our trust in them gets kicked to the curb. But are we doing anything about all the world falling apart? I don’t have a solution. Hell, I haven’t even got a clue what anybody can do. Feel free to drop your input in the “suggestion box” on your way out.

One thing I have noticed that all of the aforementioned situations have in common, racial disharmony. Folks, we gotta start doing something to stop these racial issues. We simply need to mature to color blindness and start doing as we preach and treat each other better. It’s not really that hard to do.

What Percentage of The Population?

They say that Black People make up 13 to 15 percent of the U.S. population. Then why are television commercials suddenly significantly Black? It is a given that Government and Corporate America fear Black people. The riots after George Floyd’s death scared a lot of people, and I don’t have issue with Black people getting theirs. But, this is my observation:

Every commercial on television includes Black people, some almost entirely. Many have situations in which it appears a family is made up of a Black man, White woman, White daughter, and a Black boy. Are there no other mixed-race families out there?

My point is, if Blacks make up 13 to 15 percent of the population, should they be entitled to more than 50 percent of the jobs created by commercials? Have we gone completely to one side? Can you see how this could create a racial issue? Domino’s has a commercial where it looks like a Black kid steals a pizza and runs away with it, what kind of message does this commercial give?

There are only so many jobs available and consider the wanna-be actor trying to get a job making a commercial and he/she not given equal opportunity for the job. This is where we have to take action to try to end racism. When you take from one race and give to another race it fosters resentment which allowed to grow creates racism.

We already have the Government doing programs that only provide benefits for Black people. Millions of dollars were given to “Black Lives Matter” by Corporate America, which has only proved beneficial to the founders of the organization who are “living large” on that money. And they don’t care if anyone sees it because they were never intended to be a resource for Black people. We really cannot be this blind. You don’t fight racism by taking from one and giving to another.

If we are ever serious about fighting racism, we need to start by giving to those in need regardless of color, sex, religion, etc. There is no justification in giving to anybody based upon the color of their skin. When you give to one race and not the other it creates racism. When you give to all that need regardless of the color of skin, you take skin color from the equation and isn’t that the goal we should be trying to achieve?

Every organization that supports individual races, supports racism. You don’t agree? How do they make their money? By promoting racism. We do not need Government that creates racism or Corporate America giving money to bogus organizations. If you make your money supporting one instead of all, you may very well be the problem. Think about it. We all need to mature beyond skin color if we are ever going to beat racism.

C’mon ya’all let’s do something good for our future, our children, and our community!

The Thing I Hate Most About Getting Old . . .

Damn, I hate getting old . . .

But, the thing I hate most about getting old is . . . What was I talking about? Oh yeah! Some folks have aches and pains, others have weight loss or gain, and others have sexual problems or suffer loneliness. My point being everybody suffers something as they grow old, and most of us do so quietly.

The good Lord has a wicked sense of humor. Nobody goes without suffering something. There is no easy way out, everybody gets some form of suffering. My problem is not the suffering itself, but the lack of knowing the longevity of the suffering. I get it. I know for the rest of my life I can’t eat what I want. I can’t stay up partying all night and still make it to work the next day. It is understood that I have nowhere near the physical abilities I used to have. BUT FOR HOW LONG!

No, I am not suicidal. I just think getting old becomes a prison with no escape, except no longer getting old. You know the end is near and while you want to avoid it at all costs, you can’t help but wonder how much longer you have to suffer whatever you have the pleasure of suffering. Think about it! You work hard all your life and then they put you out to pasture. You think you are being put out to stud, yeah good luck with that! You think, cool my kick-back years coming up. Then reality strikes in the form of waking every morning to your legs or back, or your top and/or your bottom screaming with pain. Sure, you had that pain before sometimes, but you had to go to work so you walked it off. Walking it off now is not the same. Having to work distracted you from the hurt. Now, walking it off reminds you how much it hurts. And, HOW MANY MORE YEARS?

If you see an old man living alone, he is lonely. Sure we try to keep busy and stuff, but when you wake up to an empty house or wake in the middle of the night realizing you are all alone, you’re lonely. There was a time in my life when I wished everybody would just leave me alone, leaving me with peace and quiet. Now, all the peace and quiet does is release the demons from my past to haunt me.

After all the suffering, the pains, special diet, loneliness, and demon fighting, what to do next? Like you still have 20 more years ?. . . Damn, I hate getting old.

I intended for this to be more humorous, then here comes reality. DAMN, I HATE GETTING OLD!

Will Smith Did Just What The Situation Asked For . . .

Enough of the bullstuff! Do you think Will Smith did wrong when he slapped Chris Rock during the “Oscar” presentation last week? He didn’t do wrong, he did the only thing he could do under the circumstances and he should be commended for it.

Chris Rock not only made a joke in poor taste, he also failed to consider how those part of the joke may feel about it. I do not care how well Jada took the remark made by Chris Rock, it had to of not only humiliated her, but likely hurt her feelings deeply. Do you think it didn’t take a lot of guts for Jada and Will Smith to attend the Oscar Presentation with Jada’s current medical condition? And then to be ridiculed world-wide on Television by Chris Rock bringing his poor-taste joke into the spotlight.

Have you ever known a beautiful woman to not be seriously embarrassed by anything that takes away from that beauty? Be it a clothing stain, a poor hairstyle, or even a pimple? Many women would decline any sort of public appearance under such circumstances. Even if Jada smiled had laughed on the outside, I doubt she did so on the inside. And, Will Smith did exactly as he should have done.

Will Smith did not go up and beat Chris Rock down. He did not grab him and shake him vigorously while holding him by the throat. Will Smith did not pull a weapon and use such on Chris Rock. No, he went up in front of a world-wide audience and slapped Chris Rock in a manner that said exactly what needed to be said but Chris Rock wasn’t smart enough to respond correctly.

Instead of Chris Rock saying that Will Smith just smacked the crap out of him, he should of stood up and walked over and on that same world-wide television presentation apologized to Jada and Will Smith. Chris Rock is smart enough to realize his offense. And this is where Will Smith did wrong . . .

When Will Smith smacked Chris Rock, he should of told him “Don’t say my wife’s name again.” Instead, on a worldwide television presentation, Will Smith not once but twice said “Keep my wife’s name out of your fucking mouth.” And, did so from across the room in a very strong and loud voice. This was inappropriate and the only thing Will Smith did wrong.

Chris Rock did wrong from the very start by making his poor taste joke involving Jada Smith. And, unless Chris Rock has publicly apologized to the Smith’s for his actions and defended Will Smith’s acts to all that seek to find fault with him, including Chris Rock’s brother who is quite vocal with his opinions on the matter, then Chris Rock continues to be in the wrong.

Will Smith did the honorable act of standing for his wife. Since when has it been acceptable to make jokes about the disability or health of others? It is not acceptable! Plain and simple, what Chris Rock did was unacceptable under any circumstance. Will Smith should be recognized for his strength to face the ridicule of the entire world for doing as he should have. The Nation should be proud of Will Smith’s actions. He acted like a man should and did so without regard to any issue it may raise probably because he loves Jada. Most men are just too chicken shit to defend their family, friends, or others. Will Smith became a man when he smacked Chris Rock, he should be commended for it.

The last I heard was Will Smith was banned from the Oscars for a decade. Today, throughout America there are people destroying lives by the thousands, yet we allow a man be penalized for standing as a man. People today go to extremes to ensure they not be disrespected and it ends in a mass shooting somewhere or some other “over the top” act of violence. Will Smith did exactly what he should have done. He slapped Chris Rock for running his mouth at Jada Smith’s expense. There was nothing extreme about it. And had he of waited for a later time to make his point known to Chris Rock, it would likely have led to something stupid. Ladies in the future when some guy is making jest of your fat ass and you look at your husband or boyfriend as though “aren’t you going to do something?” and he gets up and goes to the bar for a fresh beer . . . remember.

This Is As It Should Be . . . .

In case you haven’t been following the story: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/parents-of-the-teen-suspect-in-the-michigan-school-shooting-are-now-considered-fugitives-sheriff-says/ar-AARrMCs?ocid=msedgntp .

This case is quite possibly one of the most important cases involving gun owners. The parents of the Michigan school shooting have been charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter for the school shooting by their son.

The way this story plays out is simple. The parents bought the minor aged son a firearm, allowing him complete access to the firearm, the son in turn takes the gun to school and starts shooting his classmates.

Why are the parents being charged? This is probably due to a number of reasons, but it should on.y require the adult having allowed the child access to an unsecure firearm. Why? Because people who own firearms should be held accountable for the use of their guns.

This doesn’t mean that a gun owner is held responsible for all use of his gun. It means that a gun owner that has a gun not properly secured or allows the use of his gun by someone not yet of adult age unsupervised should be held accountable for its misuse. It is far too easy to secure a firearm with a simple trigger lock or a firearms safe. There should not be anyone having access to your firearms without your knowledge and consent..

Some people make the claim that a secured weapon is useless in an emergency. If you live in a community in which your gun is a threat to those within your home, you don’t need a gun. You need a moving van.

Here is another link to this story: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/manslaughter-charges-filed-against-parents-of-accused-killer-in-michigan-school-shooting-authorities-search-for-couple/ar-AARr5uY?ocid=msedgntp

But say you live in a really bad neighborhood, where you might actually need a firearm at the ready. Then wear the weapon in a holster which provides for your use only. I know it sounds ridiculous but wearing it is more secure than leaving it on the coffee table or under your pillow.

Children should not be allowed access to firearms without supervision, even in a country setting. But in the case of children being raised around guns, taught when and how to use them, supervision may be ,is the child going out on the ranch rounding up cattle or is he carrying it around during school hours? I grew up around guns. I also grew up around snakes, alligators, and other nasty critters. I was taught at a very young age how to use a firearm. That was 50 years ago. But even back then we were smart enough to put guns out of reach of small children and not readily accessible by older children.

(I’m not really impressed with how I wrote this, let me know what you think.)

Blacks Behaving Badly . . .

Media around the world is hot to get any story demonstrative of abuse of Black people or any incident that can be labeled racial but is anybody talking about the other side of the story? Do you really believe that White people are the only one acting the fool?

A Black man pulls up to a fuel pump at a gas station, not quite up to the pump but blocking others access to the pump. A fella on a motorcycle pulls up behind him. The Black man screws around for a good 5 minutes, not even getting out of his car while checking the motorcycle waiting behind him. He then exits his car heading towards the gas station store,

The guy on the motorcycle, “Excuse me sir, are you going to be getting gas?”

The Black man, “Yes I am.” Sounding annoyed by the question.

At this point the motorcyclist has been both prevented access to the fuel pump due to the car parked blocking one end of the fuel island and also by the Black mans intent to buy gas so the motorcyclist couldn’t pull around the car and fuel without blocking the Black mans access to the pump. The motorcyclist went and found another available pump. A few minutes later the Black man returns to his car, climbs in and leaves without getting any gas.

Per the gas station clerk, “He didn’t want gas he just didn’t want to let you get gas, he was checking you the second you pulled behind him.”

Now this is as racial as it can get. This Black man was obviously a mature educated Black man who knows right from wrong. But still he chose to intentionally prevent the motorcyclist access to the fuel pump. The guy on the motorcycle did nothing to be treated poorly by the Black man, except the color of his skin. The motorcyclist was white.

And the Black mans additional offense was towards the employees of the gas station, of which most are Black. What makes this Black man believe that it is acceptable to block the fuel island preventing the gas station selling fuel in any case. The employees make their living off selling fuel, that’s what they do. How many people tried to get gas but because of this gent chose to go elsewhere. What gives this guy the right to affect the employees jobs and income? Regardless his belief, the food chain of the station feeds more Black people than he intends to do.

Most annoying in this case is the fact that had the reversal of races taken place, the media and every Black person for blocks around would have been all over this berating the White guy for things he had never even heard of. But because the guy was Black it is acceptable conduct? NO, it is not! And you cannot cry racism when it happens to you. If you want to be treated equal, treat others equal. Anything other is “you the problem!”

Face it folks, there are those amongst us that believe that the way to deal with one-another is to see who gets over on who. We need to mature beyond this and grow beyond treating people in any way based on the color of their skin. It really isn’t that hard to do.

Abolish the Police . . .

The headline “In Minneapolis, new push to end police after Floyd’s death” leads one to wonder if our Country has gone completely nuts. But there may be some merit in their ideas. Sure we can add a more sophisticated police department. A police department made up of “shrinks, lawyers, medical personnel, and others to respond to our Country’s need for law enforcement. Have we considered the costs involved?

Years ago, security of the community was left to the village idiot to sound the alarm in the event of emergency. Today, law enforcement requires a much different village idiot serve as security of the community. Not so very long ago you needed only a high school diploma to become a policeman. This may be true in some parts of America today but, in some communities now they are looking for Bachelor Degrees before they even accept your application. No, that is wrong. In some communities the would like the applicant to have higher education. Either way, this amounts to a higher paying occupation than the cop of yester-year. Now, lets add the specialized training that will be necessary with the Abolish the Police movement . . .

How much education does a medical/mental health/counselor/lawyer/child care specialist/master of martial arts/marksman cop need? And how many of these medical/mental health/counselor/lawyer/child care specialist/master of martial arts/marksman cops will we need per department? Do you see where I am headed with this? Average annual pay for a police officer in America is around $46,000 today. Where will that figure go when we have to pay for the training for this new super cop? And where are we supposed to get replacements for these super cops from? I haven’t reached the end yet. Our new super cop won’t be allowed to make a mistake and will be required to only return fire when using their sidearm. I may be going out on a limb here but this new village idiot is going to cost us a lot more than todays cop, a lot more

Why do we need the new super cop? We need this super cop because our cops keep hurting and killing people that resist arrest, fail to submit to arrest, and/or suffer from some form of mental illness either resist or act a fool when being arrested or interacting with law enforcement. When did resisting and acting a fool become acceptable conduct? And what about responsibility. The idea that a police officer is to be held accountable for those suffering mental illness is ridiculous. If you have a family member that cannot walk to the corner store and back without getting into trouble, then it is the family’s responsibility to care for this person. And if you let this person roam about unsupervised you share in the responsibility of whatever incidents take place.

Do we truly need the new super cop? Not really. Our society as a whole needs to accept responsibility for their actions. If you resist or act a fool you get your ass whipped, it’s on you. Cops don’t get paid enough to put up with bullshit or having to wrestle everyone they deal with. There is no reason to resist or act a fool. If by chance you were arrested unlawfully, sue the police department and get paid for your trouble. What we need is to somehow educate the people on how to act right when dealing with police. If you act right when dealing with police and something negative happens, you have a cop problem which would be a lot easier to identify were people not being the problem.

As for the village idiots out there, why do it? Why put on that uniform every day and try to save people from themselves. The very people you defend don’t support you, your administration and local government doesn’t support you, cops and citizens are getting killed in stupid situations that should not even happen, and you are the only one being held accountable. I would not be a cop in this Country, no matter how much the pay. Stay strong, you are a necessity that some day will be appreciated.

Is It Really So Hard To Believe . . .

There is no doubt that there is racism and there are racists among us, but let me tell you folks . . . SOMEBODY IS MAKING BANK CREATING/PROMOTING RACIAL DISHARMONY!

Okay, I get it. Some of you think I am some kook dreaming up conspiracy theories for entertainment but in my many years of not knowing shit about anything I have made one observation that always rings true. Somebody is making money off the backs of others in almost everything happening today. In my opinion, elimination of the money eliminates the problem.

America wants diversity. Is there anything more common than a mixed race family today? How can you hate another race when your relatives are of a different race. Okay it’s possible to hate your mother-in-law but not the children part of the family. And the children are where your concerns should be. Regardless the color of your skin, we all have someone we know in our family tree that tried to fill our minds with reasons to hate others and color of our skin is one of those reasons. Nope, you need do anything wrong. It is not necessary that you violate the law, cause harm to another, or dress differently. All that has to happen is you be of a different skin color than somebody else. It is easy to fall into that way of thinking when those around you are promoting that line of thought. And those making money off racism, promote racism. Is this the world we want to leave to our children?

Are we going to continue to allow people that profit from a wrong, influence us while they promote rather than correct the issue. And the people doing it have found themselves a niche in which they get paid to do so. And now, allowing all of the preceding information, IS IT REALLY SO HARD TO BELIEVE . . . That we are all living somebody else conspiracy theory?

Give it a little thought. A lot of time and effort have gone into ways to profit from just about everything. And our society feeds off it like they are starring in their own reality tv show. Think about it! Even with all of the education we have had, I’ll bet you if somebody made a u-tube video and put it on the Internet today saying that the world was flat, somebody would believe it to be true and form an organization to champion their cause and by the week’s end be collecting donations from corporate America, who doesn’t even care to check the validity of the organizations they hand millions of dollars to.

You might ask yourself what I am getting on about with my conspiracy theory ideas and how I have come up with such ideas? I know at this point of my story I would be expecting a “Next” arrow like an internet news story that takes twenty pages of clicks to tell a one page story. Well let’s take a short walk along a different path.

Ever since the Washington Post put up their database of Police killings of people the claim that Black people are killed by police at a higher rate than the other races.. To reach this conclusion they use the calculation of the amount of Black people within the entire United States, which when calculated against the whole United States population finds that Black people are approximately 13 percent of the U,S. population,. This finding is a gross misrepresentation of the data as it does not reflect the actual population of any specific areas. More importantly, it dilutes the population figures of areas where numerous police shootings have occurred.

Although Black people make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population., Black people make up a significantly higher percentage of the population in certain portions of the Country. Recalculation of the data to reflect actual population information alters the 13 percentage figures demonstrating that only 12 States in the U.S. have a significant Black population, and in those States Blacks hold a much higher percentage of the populace, changing that 13 percent from 13 to as much as 60 percent. And in doing so proves the claims of Blacks being subjected to a higher percentage of police killings than the other races to be false, a fabrication developed by intentional failure to read the applicable data. So, with all of the intelligent people of all colors, why hasn’t this been brought to light before? Why is the entire U.S. living this lie? And, whom benefits by allowing such lies continue?

For so many years we have heard the same lies over and over again, from clergy, from politicians, from educators. It has to be true if these people are saying it, doesn’t it? Opposing these claims leads to almost immediate ridicule and threats from others. Who benefits? Not the Whites, not the Blacks. The only people deriving benefit is those collecting pay from it.

I rest my case. Do you think me wrong?


Kids & Guns

2 South Carolina Boys, Ages 8 and 9, Facing Involuntary Manslaughter in Shooting Death of 62-Year-Old Farmer is the headline for an article I read earlier today. The link above will take you to the story. The authorities are about to charge these children with a felony that can result inj the destruction of the rest of their lives.

Do you think these children mature enough to take responsibility for their actions? We have seen this story hundreds of times, yet we fail to address the responsible parties. So who is responsible for the killing of this old farmer? Well?

  • The Gun Owner has the true responsibility for this crime. Any gun owner that fails to properly secure his weapon should be held accountable for its use.
  • Who is responsible for the child? A parent? Babysitter? Neighbor? Do you mean to tell me that two little boys are out running around with a loaded rifle unsupervised?

The persons not responsible for this crime are the two boys. Why? Because they were doing what boys do. They are not mature enough to consider the outcome of their actions. Ansd even in a rural or country area boys this young should not be allowed firearms without supervision.

Prior to anyone be allowed the ownership or use of a firearm, they should receive training adequate to ensure the proper use of the firearm. I do not necessarily mean a formal training session. It could just be an experienced father that teaches the basic operation of the firearm so long as he has taught the child how to safely use the firearm. Regardless the training, no 8 and 9 year old boys need to be out running around with a loaded rifle.

If the children came into possession of the firearm because it was left unsecured the owner of the firearm should be held accountable for the offense.

The parents of these children should be the party charged for this crime, along with charges for child endangerment, child abuse, and whatever other charges they can be held to answer to were the children to have come into possession of the gun by the failure of the parents to secure the weapon and supervise its use.

A 22 caliber bullet may be small, but the round fired from that rifle could possibly travel a full mile were it not to find a target prior to that. And as the story tells, it can kill a man. Did these children know their bullet found a target? Did they even know the farmer was out there?

Life would be so much less dangerous were children not allowed access to unsecured firearms and unsupervised use. School shootings, kids shooting kids, even kids accidently killing themselves, and of course people killing others could all be avoided by simply securing your firearms. The “Constitution” gives us the “Right to bear Arms” but does it give us the right to our negligence destroying lives.

Firearms are not toys and contrary to all of the youngsters out there killing people, nobody needs have possession of a firearm without being trained in its use. The day Gun Owners and Parents are held responsible for use of the firearm, I’d wager a significant amount of these people would properly secure their firearms and supervise the use. It should be illegal to sell a firearm to anyone not an adult and properly trained in its use.

I Refuse To Pay For The Acts of Others (Revised)

The headline read Washington Post Runs Video Encouraging White People To Go Through A Period of Deep Shame and Join White Accountability Groups.

It is funny how people can think alike. A high school student, I believe in the Midwest, denounces his school, school board, and the school Principal for the school’s conduct relative to Critical Race Theory. If I understand CRT correctly, CRT wants the entire White population to accept and have serious guilt because some White folks way at the beginning of my family tree here in the US, that bought slaves sold to them in Africa by their own tribes, as slaves well before I was even a consideration for life.

I tell you, I am getting damn tired of being blamed for acts not committed by myself, solely due to the color of my skin. I want to go on record:

  • I have never owned another human being.
  • I have never treated a person of any color as lesser than myself. (Although I have been treated lesser myself.)
  • I have never committed any form of violence towards another person, except in self defense. (Although I have been subjected to 3 incidents in my lifetime in which I was attacked due to the color of my skin.)
  • I support equality.
  • I feel no shame and accept no liability for acts not committed by myself, nor do I expect anyone else to do so.
  • I do not support “reparations”
  • I do not do anything at all based upon skin color, not even my own.
  • I understand that White man has abused every race, including their own, repeatedly throughout time.
  • I question . . . Why aren’t White men, just men?
  • Isn’t every race guilty of slavery, at sometime in the past?

That being said, I feel no Deep Shame, except for maybe the acts committed against the American Indian. Wait, I could not have done anything to change any of that, I was not born until much later. You get where I am going with this? Should I be held responsible for the acts of men, way back then? Then why should I be held accountable for anyone that I haven’t had real interaction with?

I find the concept of reparations offensive. If there is any living person that was himself a slave, he deserves reparation. But giving any benefit to descendants while ignoring the fact that many White men died freeing the slaves and their descendants have never been offered anything more than a military burial plot is an offence towards every family that had relatives that fought to free the slaves. And who knows what benefit might of been realized had the family not suffered such loss.

I know to some it may seem I am anti-black, but that is not the case. Giving a benefit to one race creates racial divide. And where will the money come from? Black people seem to believe they are the only race suffering, when every race is suffering, even the Whites. You cannot fight racism by creating racism. To truely fight for the equality of man, you have to treat everyone equal, benefits go to those that need them.

For years people have been making a living off of racism. They do nothing to stop racism. Nation-wide historic statues were toppled as believed to be of racist history. Left in place, these status could have served to raise the topic of their wrong-doings. Will this important part of history be forgotten? Were there any recommendations for who might better serve for such statue. Did Black people get to where they are today, without the help of White people? Where is that historical mention or statue of such people.

The American Indian enslaved their adversaries. When Afrikan tribes fought with other tribes, did they not enslave those of the losing tribe? And White man enslaved White men long before any other race. Why is it that the White race is the only race being called to answer for it? Treating any man based upon his skin color is just as bad when done by a Black man, a it is by a White man.

To fight racism, simply requires maturing beyond skin color. It’s actually quite easy to do so. Taking blame, feeling shame, and joining support groups again creates additional racism. When you are truly ready to fight racism join me and lets find a way that does such.

The Post Pandemic Workplace . . . SUCKS!

The thing most noted about the return to work, is how few are returning to work. And then, how few of those that return actually want to work. I have worked through the entire pandemic with the exception of reduced hours for a few months. Other folks left the job and have yet to return, leaving a big hole in the American workforce.

Retailers such as 7-11’s that usually stay open 24/7 are suddenly closing up during certain hours as they haven’t the employees necessary to keep their doors open. Other retailers are struggling long lines at the checkout stands, again because they lack the necessary employees to handle the task. Has America suddenly become lazy?

Small business Nation-wide have closed their doors. Stores and restaurants that have been in business for many years have given up and closed their doors for good leaving those that they employ jobless. Many of these jobless have discovered that their unemployment benefits coupled with pandemic benefits are making more money than when employed. They may find that sometime in their future they might need these benefits again only to discover that they have exhausted this resource. Unemployment benefits are like the Lottery, You have to play to win.

Bigger business has sent many employees home to work from the comfort of their own homes, many of which do not want to return to their company workspace. While some opf the home workers have maintained satisfactory performance, there are those that lack such quality and perform better with supervision provided in the workplace. Employers have accepted marginal performance during the pandemic, but likely won’t post pandemic.

Our Government has done a “back-ass-wards” in this situation. The Government should be giving those that have worked during the pandemic reward for doing so. Face it, being exposed to the threat of the virus plus actually working while others sat safely at home making more money than you should be commendable and worth something.

Employers anxious to fill vacant work positions are accepting lesser qualified people that are not up to the task at hand leaving others to have to pick up the slack created. What this all leads to is a barren workplace, worked and managed by a skeleton workforce, that ends up doing far more work than they previously had to do, and feeling taken advantage of. Regardless, trying to do your job during this pandemic has been difficult, and it promises to suck post-pandemic.